
Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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This service is written in Scala 2.11 and Play 2.6, so needs at least a JRE 1.8 to run.


Access this REST API on the HMRC Developer Hub.

The API allows Lifetime ISA (LISA) managers to:

  • report a new investor to HMRC
  • create, transfer or make changes to a LISA account
  • get details of a LISA account
  • report or get details of an investor life event
  • request or get details of bonus payments and withdrawal charges
  • get payment and debt information

Testing Approach

You can use the sandbox environment to test this API.

It does not currently support stateful behaviour, but you can use the payloads described in Resources to test specific scenarios.

You must set up a test user which is an organisation for this API using the Create Test User API.


All end points are User Restricted (see authorisation). Versioning, data formats etc follow the API Platform standards (see the reference guide).

You can dive deeper into the documentation in the API Developer Hub.


API Request schema Successful response schema Error response schema
Get a list of all available endpoints N/A LISAManager.get.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Create a LISA investor LISAInvestor.post.schema.json LISAInvestor.post.response.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Create or transfer a LISA account LISAAccount.post.schema.json LISAAccount.post.response.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Reinstate a LISA account LISAAccount.reinstate.post.schema.json LISAAccount.reinstate.post.response.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Get account details N/A LISAAccount.get.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Close an existing LISA account LISAAccount.close.post.schema.json LISAAccount.close.post.response.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Modify date of first subscription of a LISA account LISAAccount.updateSubscription.post.schema.json LISAAccount.updateSubscription.post.response.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Report a death or terminal illness LifeEvent.post.schema.json LifeEvent.post.response.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Send an annual return of information AnnualReturn.post.schema.json AnnualReturn.post.response.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Request the release of funds to buy a property FundReleaseRequest.post.schema.json FundRelease.post.response.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Request a property purchase extension FundReleaseExtensionRequest.post.schema.json Extension.post.response.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Report the outcome of a property purchase FundReleaseOutcome.post.schema.json PurchaseOutcome.post.response.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
View a life event N/A LifeEvent.get.array.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Report a withdrawal charge WithdrawalCharge.post.schema.json WithdrawalCharge.post.response.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Get details of a withdrawal charge N/A WithdrawalCharge.get.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Request a bonus payment BonusPaymentRequest.post.schema.json BonusPaymentRequest.post.response.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Get details of a bonus request N/A LISATransaction.get.response ErrorCodes.schema.json
Get the payment details for a bonus claim or withdrawal charge N/A InvestorPayment.get.response.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json
Get a list of all payments and debts in a date range N/A LISAManager.payment.get.schema.json ErrorCodes.schema.json


Method URL Description
GET /lifetime-isa/manager/
Use a LISA manager reference to get a list of all available endpoints.
POST /lifetime-isa/manager/
Report a new LISA investor to HMRC to generate an investor ID. If the investor already exists, you will get their reference number.
POST /lifetime-isa/manager/
Create a new account you’ve set up for an investor, or transfer an existing account from another LISA provider. If you’re creating a new account you’ll need to create a LISA investor first.
POST /lifetime-isa/manager/
Re-open a LISA account that has been closed.
GET /lifetime-isa/manager/
Use an account ID to get account details.
POST /lifetime-isa/manager/
Close an account and report the reason and date.
POST /lifetime-isa/manager/
Modify the date when the first deposit was paid after a LISA account was created.
POST /lifetime-isa/manager/
Report to HMRC if an investor has been diagnosed with a terminal illness or died. You need to do this to get a lifeEventId before you can request a bonus payment from HMRC.
POST /lifetime-isa/manager/
Report details to HMRC about LISA accounts you managed in the last tax year. You can also correct a previous return of information. You cannot send or correct a return of information if the investor account is cancelled or void.
POST /lifetime-isa/manager/
Request the release of LISA funds to buy a property. You can also correct a request by changing the withdrawal amount or property purchase date. When you make a correction, you cannot change the property details or the conveyancer reference number.
POST /lifetime-isa/manager/
Request an extension to your request to release funds to buy a property.
POST /lifetime-isa/manager/
Report to HMRC if a property purchase was completed or failed.
GET /lifetime-isa/manager/
View life event data that has been submitted to HMRC. You can view death and terminal illness, property purchase funds release, property purchase extension, property purchase outcome, and annual return of information.
POST /lifetime-isa/manager/
Tell HMRC that an investor has taken money out of a LISA account without an associated life event. You can also correct a previous withdrawal charge.
GET /lifetime-isa/manager/
Use an investor’s transaction ID to get a request for a withdrawal charge that has been submitted to HMRC.
POST /lifetime-isa/manager/
Request a bonus payment from HMRC and provide a reason for the request. You can also correct a bonus claim during or after the claim reporting period. You can repay any overpaid amounts to HMRC and receive additional payments from corrected claims.
GET /lifetime-isa/manager/
Use an investor’s transaction ID to get a request for a bonus payment that has been submitted to HMRC.
GET /lifetime-isa/manager/
Use an investor’s transaction ID to get payment details for a bonus claim or withdrawal charge, including when the amount is due to be paid or collected.
GET /lifetime-isa/manager/
Get a list of all pending and paid payments from HMRC and due and collected debts owed to HMRC in a specific date range.

For more information, visit the API Developer Hub.

Test data

Test data for each LISA API is available on the HMRC Developer Hub.

Running locally

This service is written in Scala and Play, so needs a JRE to run.

Install Service Manager, then start dependencies:


Start the app:

sbt run


If you have any business-related questions, email the Software Developer Support Team (SDST) at sdsteam@hmrc.gov.uk


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License