
A lightweight web application which adds googly eyes to an image sent to its POST endpoint

Primary LanguagePython


A lightweight web application which adds googly eyes to an image sent to its POST /imageUpload endpoint.

POST payload Response body Faces

Installation & Usage

Install in editable mode using pip:

cd googlyeyes/
conda create -n googlyeyes-env -c conda-forge python=3.6 coverage flake8 Flask Flask-RESTful imutils dlib opencv numpy pytest requests
conda activate googlyeyes-env

Building the docker image

docker build -t googlyeyes-app .

Run unit and regression tests

You can then run the application using:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 googlyeyes-app

Code coverage

Name                             Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
googlyeyes/helper_functions.py      23      0   100%
googlyeyes/process_image.py         48     14    71%   149-178, 182
googlyeyes/server.py                34     15    56%   21-22, 26-38, 47-53, 64-65
tests/test_helper_functions.py      36      0   100%
tests/test_process_image.py         30      0   100%
tests/test_server.py                47      0   100%
TOTAL                              218     29    87%

Performance testing

Synchronous performance tests

Performance tests were made by making 1000 sequential requests to a single docker image running the application:

Statistic Response time (ms)
Mean 354.90
99.9% 829.52
99.999% 845.59

Asynchronous performance tests

To-do for v0.4.

Facial coordinate points

68 facial coordinate points from the iBUG 300-W dataset.


  • Credits to pyimagesearch for the code to find the facial landmarks.
  • Credits to sagaragarwal94 for his simple webserver API using Flask.
  • Credits to fireant for his StackOverflow answer on overlaying a PNG image with OpenCV.
  • Credits to the Helen dataset which was used for testing.