
This repository contains helper files for getting twitter data from twitter API, reprocessing tweets and other files.


This repository contains helper files for getting twitter data from twitter API, reprocessing tweets and other files.

Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are the sequence of characters that specifies a pattern to search in a given text.

Basic regex characcters:

  1. Characters:
  • escape character: \
  • any character: .
  • digits: \d
  • not a digit: \D
  • word character: \w
  • not a word character: \W
  • whitespace: \s
  • not whitespace: \S
  • word boundary: \b
  • not a word boundary: \B
  • begging of a string: ^
  • end of a string: $
  1. Groupings
  • matches characters in brackets: []
  • matches characters not in brackets: [^]
  • either or: |
  • capturing group: ()
  1. Quantifiers
  • 0 or more: *
  • 1 or more: +
  • 0 or 1: ?
  • exact number of characters: {}
  • range of number of characters: {minimum, maximum}

Few other examples: In r'([a-z])\1+', \1 means backreference in pattern therefore this means find a letter followed by one or more occurences of that same letter.

Check the regex here: Check