
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hi Contributors!

We would like to thank the organising team of PEC-2018, for giving us opportunity to ideate, and inculcate our problem solving approach towards Kinkyu App, which takes a problem solving approach towards Availability of ambulances at critical situations.

Please follow the following instructions to contribute!

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. There will be two apps, Driver app, and Patient App.
  3. These both apps are based on ES7 JS, and uses ReactJS-Native.
  4. You will need to install the foolowing pre-requisits a. npm install exp-cli -g b. npm install expo -g
  5. CD <app-name>, to go into your app.
  6. Run expo start
  7. After contributing, create a pull request into the working feature branches only.

For any further queries, connect Project owners and Collaborators.