- Setting up passport with multiple login strategires
- Local Strategy
- JWT Strategy
- Beaer Strategy
- Setup Session storage and cookies
- Authorisation
- End-to-end testing
> npm i
> npm run dev
> node app.js
Run with nodemon? do install nodemon globally npm install nodemon -g
nodemon index.js
Make sure to install mochal globablly npm install mocha -g
Make sure to update DB settings in config (https://github.com/manjufy/api-e2e-testing/blob/master/config.js)
Make sure to create a database named kljs-e2e-test
before running e2e tests.
> npm run test:e2e
- Use Mocha as test runner
Tools for testing in NodeJs
- Mocha ☕ => Test Runner
- Chai 🥃 - Chai is a BDD and TDD assertion library
- Sinon 🧙 - Unit testing framework, Sinon is a mocking library
- Nock 🔮 - Use nock for external HTTP requests. Http mocking library
- Mock-require 🎩 - With a single line of code, we can replace a module and mock-require will step in when some code attepts to import that module
- Istanbul 🔭 - JavaScript code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests.
- SuperTest: Simple way to test APIs with just few lines of commands.
- TAPE: https://github.com/substack/tape => Test Runner
- RITEWay: https://github.com/ericelliott/riteway
- AVA: https://github.com/avajs/ava
- Node Tap: https://node-tap.org/
Load Testing
- Use Session to authenticate and persist the session in either Cookie or Session storage
- Use redis as a session storage