
A iOS app project, utilizing programmatic UI for valuable hands-on experience.

Primary LanguageSwift


Netflix clone

Watch the video here to see the app screens and features in action.


Content Display

  • Display trending, popular, coming soon, and top media.
  • Dynamic banners showcasing featured content.

User Media Persistence

  • Persist user media for watchlists and watched trailer history using CoreData.
  • Add and remove items from the watchlist.

Search Functionality

  • Search for movies and TV shows by title.
  • Auto-suggestions as the user types.

Detailed Media Information

  • Provide detailed information for each movie or TV show, including synopsis, cast, and ratings.
  • Display trailers and related media with the same genres and topics.

Network Monitoring

  • Implement network monitoring to handle connectivity changes seamlessly.
  • Add Loading views and placeholders to effectively handle slow network connections and ensure a smooth user experience.

Attractive and Modern UI

  • Design a visually appealing and modern user interface.
  • Ensure a good user experience (UX) with intuitive navigation and interactions.

Project Screens:

The following screens demonstrate the evolution of the app throughout the build phases. Each screen is presented with versions v1 and v2, showcasing the updates and improvements made during development.

  • Launch Screen:

    Introduced only in v2

  • Home Screen:

  • New & Hot Screen:

  • My Netflix Screen:

  • Media Details Screen:

  • Search Screen:

  • Alert Screens:

    Introduced only in v2

Technology Used:

  • UIKit: Employed for building user interfaces programmatically without using storyboards.

  • SwiftUI: Integrated with UIKit to exploit the strengths of both frameworks for a modern and dynamic UI.

  • Concurrency (async/await): Employed for managing asynchronous networking operations, ensuring smooth and efficient data retrieval.

  • URL Session: Used for making HTTP network requests.

  • HTTPURLResponse: Handled HTTP responses from network requests.

  • Network: Managed network requests and connectivity within the app.

  • Core Data: Used for persisting user media, such as watchlists and watched trailer history.

  • UIHostingControllers: Embedded SwiftUI views within UIKit view controllers.

  • Combine: Utilized for handling asynchronous events and data streams.

  • Delegate and Protocols: Applied for communication between different parts of the app.

  • Preference Key: Used to pass data between SwiftUI views.

  • Observation: Used for observing changes in data and updating the UI accordingly.

  • Path: Utilized for custom drawing and defining shapes in SwiftUI.

  • Convenience Initializers: Implemented to create custom objects with default values for clean and reusable code.

  • Access Control: Used to define the visibility and access levels of classes, methods, and properties.

Architecture and Design Pattern:

  • MVVM Architecture: Adopted MVVM architecture for separating concerns and achieving a scalable and maintainable codebase.
  • Singleton Design Pattern: Utilized the Singleton design pattern for ensuring a single instance of a class throughout the app's lifecycle, facilitating centralized data access and management.

Dependency and API:

  • SDWebImage: Integrated for efficient asynchronous image loading and caching in the app.
  • YoutubePlayerKit: Incorporated for seamless playback of YouTube videos within the app.
  • SkeletonView: Utilized for displaying placeholder loading animations while content is being fetched.
  • TMDB API: Leveraged for fetching movie and TV show data, including details, images, trailers, and more, using RESTful API endpoints.