
Falcor router combined with ioredis

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NPM Build Status

What is this?

Falcor-ioredis is a simple piece of middleware that uses the Falcor-router to sync with a JSON Graph stored in a Redis database.

_note: this package is is still in version 0.0.x if you want to help, please fork an update _

Useful links: Falcor, Ioredis


$ npm install falcor-ioredis
'use strict';
var express = require('express'),
	bodyParser = require('body-parser'),
	FalcorServer = require('falcor-express'),
	FalcorIoredis = require('falcor-ioredis'),
	app = express(),

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));

app.use('/model.json', FalcorServer.dataSourceRoute(function(req, res) {
    return new FalcorIoredis('redis://localhost:6379');    


var server = app.listen(8080, function(err) {
    if (err) {
    console.log('navigate to http://localhost:8080');

Roadmap and todos

  • Accept setting of value
  • Accept get arrays

How does it work?

Json Graph example:

    somethingById: {
        a: {
            foo: "bar"
        b: {
            foo: {
                $type: "ref",
                value: "valuesById[a]"
        c: {
            0: {
                $type: "ref",
                value: "valuesById[a]"
            1: {
                Foo: "Bar"
            3: {
                0: {
                    foo: "baz"
                1: {
                    foo: "quux"
    d: {
        $type: "ref",
        value: "valuesById[7]"

The above example will be stored like this in Redis:

HSET somethingById a '{foo:"bar"}'
HSET somethingById b '{foo:{$type:"ref",value:"valuesById[a]"}}'
HSET somethingById c '{0:{$type:"ref",value:"valuesById[a]"},1:{Foo:"Bar"},3:{0:{foo:"baz"},1:{foo:"quux"}}}'
HSET somethingById d '{$type:"ref",value:"valuesById[7]"}'

Model request for: //localhost/model.json?paths=[[%22somethingById%22,%22a%22,%22foo%22]]&method=get will return:

    "jsonGraph": {
        "somethingById": {
            "a": {
                "foo": "bar"

Private key values

Private keys start with a underscore, keys with underscores will be ignored. (used for custom frontend keys)