A simple GitHub WebHook server.
Provide a configuration file. Tell it what command to run for what events and on which repositories. That's it.
A configuration typically looks like the following:
"server": {
"interface": "",
"port": "3015"
"repos": {
"mankyd/hookback": {
"secret": "asdf",
"events": {
"ping": {
"wait": true,
"cmd": ["echo", "pong"]
If you're familiar with GitHub's Webhooks, the breakdown is fairly self explanatory. After enabling webhooks on the "mankyd/hookback" repository, this server will run "echo pinged" anytime it receives a "ping" event from GitHub. It expects the webhook secret to be set to "asdf" and will verify this, rejecting any requests that are not properly signed with this secret. Secret is not required but is recommended.
The server section has only two options, both shown. By default, the server listens on all interfaces ("") and port "3015". If this is acceptable, you are free to remove the "server" section from the config entirely.
The JSON payload received from GitHub will be substituted in for "%p" when it occurs as an argument of the command. If you need "%p" to appear in your command without being replaced by the payload, use "%%p". For two percents, use "%%%p", etc. Hookback removes one of the percents and passes it to the underlying command.
If "wait" is set to true, the Hookback waits for the command to finish running before responding back to GitHub. This is the default. On success, it will respond back with "OK", a separate line containing the command that was run, and finally the output the command (stdout and stderr) on the next line. If the command does not exit with status 0, a 500 error is returned, the first line of the response will be "Exit Status #", followed by the output (stdout and stderr) on the next line.
If "wait" is false, initial work to verify the request will be done, but the server does not wait for the command to complete before returning "OK" and the command that was run. It will have no further output. This is useful if you want to run a long running command. It is up to you to craft a command that captures output to a file if you wish to preserve it. "sleep 1000" would be a contrived example of a long running command.