##Goal The goal is to create an interface to the snake game. The clients connect to a server which allows to play snake against other players. At the end of the workshop everyone should atleast have implemented the basic controls needed for the game: navigate up, down, left and right. Also the user should be able to pick a name and a color for the snake. Of coarse its possible to show more information in the app, like the current ranking and even a live screen with the current position of the snakes.
##Servers There are 2 servers running:
##Clone the project git clone git@github.com:manmetplok/snakeapp.git
##Add a platform cordova platform add android
##Run the app (connect a phone first!) cordova run android
##File locations:
- www/index.html -> The html page thats loaded by cordova.
- www/js/index.js -> The javascript file that contains the logic.
##Available javascript calls:
- app.start(name, color) -> Start the game with a username and color for the snake. (Now called automaticly when the app is started)
- up() -> Move up
- down() -> Move down
- left() -> Move left
- right() -> Move right
##Available websocket messages ( not need for a working app ) Events from server:
- snakes -> Send to all clients every few milleseconds with detailed information about each snake. Use with care
- snakeAdded -> Send to all clients when a new snake enters the game.
- snakeRemoved -> Send to all clients when a snake leaves the game.
{"id": 1}
- id -> Send when the client connects, contains the id for the current client.