Hi 👋👏नमस्ते, I'm Deepkamal yadav

Analytical and detail-oriented aspiring Full Stack Web Developer. Capable of writing production-ready code using MERN stack. Passionate about coding and intensely interested in working in a product-based company.

💫 About Me:

🔭 I’m currently working on an Ecommerce Website

🌱 I’m currently learning MERN Stack Development

👨‍💻 All of my projects are available at https://deep1524.github.io/

💬 Ask me about MongoDB,Express,React,NodeJS,JavaScript,ChakraUI

📫 How to reach me dkits1995@gmail.com

📄 Know about my experiences My_Resume

🌐 Socials:

LinkedIn Github

💻 Tech Stack:

JavaScript HTML5 TypeScript CSS3 Heroku Netlify Vercel Chakra Bootstrap NodeJS NPM React React Router Redux MongoDB Postman Express.js Canva

📊 GitHub Stats:

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