
A series of exploits used to jump the OnePlus reservation queue.

Primary LanguagePython


Mailinator Exploit (no longer working)

Context, Part 1:


Python (MailinatorExploit.py)

Steps to use :

  1. Fill in RESERVATIONID and APITOKEN at line 8-9
  2. Download and install Requests (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/)
  3. Run! (python MailinatorExploit.py)

Javascript (mailinator.js)

1)Fill in RESERVATIONID at line 7
2)Fill in ```APITOKEN```` at line 8
3)Run the app using the command
node mailinator.js

Gmail Exploit (working as of 8.4.2015)

Context, Part 2:


Method 1

  1. Fill in gmailAddress and inviteToken at line 9-10
  2. Run! (python GmailExploit.py)
  3. Click links in your gmail inbox (or add a python script to automate this)

Method 2

  1. Download and install Requests (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/)
  2. Run GmailExploit2.py
  3. Enter your email WITH @gmail.com when prompted.
  4. Enter your referral code (5-6 digits found on the end of your referral link)
  5. Run EmailParser.py
  6. Enter your email WITH @gmail.com.
  7. Enter your password

Note: EmailParser.py won't work if you have 2-step authentication ON. For the time being, disable it and then run it

Method 3

Note: You will need to enable GMAIL API:

- follow the instruction from https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/quickstart/python

- just save the client_secret.json on the same directory you are going to run the script
  1. Run! (python GmailExploit3.py send_invites {your gmail address} {invite token} {cache_buster} [--dryrun])

    * [--dryrun] allow you to see the list of emails the invite will send to

  2. Wait until you received the email invites. Run! (python GmailExploit3.py process_invites)

GuerrillaMail Exploit (working as of 8.4.2015)

Steps to use:

  1. Fill in INVITE_TOKEN at line 9
  2. (Optional) Change how long do you want to wait for the email to arrive EMAIL_CHECK_TIMEOUT at line 10
  3. Download and install Requests (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/)
  4. Run! (python GuerrillaMailExploit.py)

##Additional Components

gmailClicker - OnePlusTwo

Click on the confirmation link in a gmail message

Steps to use :

  1. Insert your email adress and your password (line 38)
  2. Install pip if it is not all done
  3. Install request package -> pip install requests
  4. run it


Parses emails and curls the confirmation link automatically.

  1. Run EmailParser.py
  2. Enter your email
  3. Enter your password.