
Swift type composition library

Primary LanguageSwift


Composed let's you easily compose new types from other types and get typesafe access to the properties of the contained types directly on the composed type.

typealias MoneyMakingBoozeMonkey = Compose3<Monkey, MoneyMaker, Boozehound>

let monkey = MoneyMakingBoozeMonkey(
    Monkey(name: "Rutger", hasTail: true),
    MoneyMaker(salary: 100000),
    Boozehound(poisonOfChoice: "Anything")
XCTAssertTrue(monkey.name == "Rutger")
XCTAssertTrue(monkey.salary == 100000)
XCTAssertTrue(monkey.poisonOfChoice == "Anything")        

If the types you are wrapping conforms to the Decodableprotocol, so will your composed types.

typealias MoneyMakingMonkey = Compose2<Monkey, MoneyMaker>

let json = """
    "name": "Joe",
    "hasTail": true,
    "salary": 0
 """.data(using: .utf8)

let decodedMonkey = try? JSONDecoder().decode(MoneyMakingMonkey.self, from: json!)