Control a garage door using a Raspberry Pi Pico W, a relay, three resistors and Homebridge.
This project is meant for garage doors that only have a single input for start / stop / reverse.
Because these doors are quite "stupid", in some cases we'll have to make some assumptions on the door state, but it's still possible to make a fully functioning smart garage door controller with just the one input and two sensors that detect if the door is fully open or closed.
To learn more, check out the YouTube video I made about the Garage Door Opener
In order to control the door and detect if the door is opened or closed, we need to use three pins on the Raspberry Pi Pico.
The pins that I have chosen are:
Relay: Pin 21
Sensor to detect if the door is opened: Pin 19
Sensor to detect if the door is closed: Pin 20
The relay connects directly between Pin 21 and ground. The Impulse input is connected between COM and NO on the relay through a 180 Ohm resistor.
The Open and Closed sensors are connected to Pin 19 and 20 using 10k resistors.
Make sure that you have Micropython installed on your Raspberry Pi Pico.
Edit the wifi setting in the file and upload through your favourite tool, such as Thonny.
In order to connect the Pi Pico to Homebridge, I'm using the HTTP Advanced Accessory plugin by staromeste.
You can find the plugin here:
This plugin is very powerful, but not very user friendly as it needs to be configured using JSON to talk to and understand accessories.
But don't despair. I included a working configuration file in this repository. Just copy and paste the contents into the plugin configuration. The only thing you need to do is replace "YOUR_PI_PICO" with the IP-address of your device.