Magento Dev setup


  • Load Magento modules from anywhere.
  • All Magento logs will be printend in one file.
  • Includes a cli script with some useful tools.


Just clone this repo and then download the dependencies by running:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Add the dev.php file to you auto_prepend_file setting in php.ini. You can also include dev.php in your project's index.php.

To use the mage cli toolbox, create a symlink to <dev root>/magento/ in any dir that is included in yor $PATH environmental var. For example:

ln -s /var/www/magento-dev/magento/ ~/bin/mage

Now you can just type mage in your terminal to start the toolbox. You need to be in your Magento root dir to enable all tools.


When you make a request to your webserver or run php from the terminal this dev module will first include
<dev root>/local.php if it exists.

Put your local includes there.

Then it will check if the request is actually to a Magento project. If a Magento project is detected, configuration will be read in the following order:

  1. <dev root>/magento/default.php
  2. <dev root>/magento/local.php
  3. <magento root>/dev/default.php
  4. <magento root>/dev/local.php

This way you can have your global config in the first two files and the project specific config in file 3 and 4. If you add local.php to your project's .gitignore you will enable each developer to have their own settings.

Check <dev root>/magento/default.php for documentation on each setting.

Load external modules or files

You can load external files with this dev module. It can be either a Magento module or just template/skin/js files. If you want to load static files you need to configure your webserver to make them accessable through an url.

To load external modules or files, add $config->loadExternal($path, $url) to your config files.

If you have set up $config->setModulePath($path) and $config->setModuleUrl($url) in your global config you can just add $config->loadExternal('example') to load the module example from your module dir. Check the default.php config file for more info on how to set this up.