
moso.io rebuilt with Vue.js and Nuxt.js

Primary LanguageVue


My personal portfolio (re)built* with Vue.js and Nuxt.js featuring my own Flexgrid.


Run yarn install or npm install to install the dependencies.


Since this project is built with Nuxt, you have the following scripts at hand:

$ yarn run dev        # `nuxt` will launch a development server on `localhost:3000` with hot-reloading
$ yarn run build      # `nuxt build` will build your app with webpack, and minify JS & CSS (production)
$ yarn run start      # `nuxt start` will start the server in production mode (after running `nuxt build`)
$ yarn run generate   # `nuxt generate` will build the app and generate every route as HTML files
$ yarn run lint       # ESLint will lint all JS- and Vue-files while ignoring files in `.gitignore`
$ yarn run precommit  # Same as `yarn run lint`, however recommended best practice

The usual workflow is to run yarn run dev while developing. Then run yarn run build and yarn run generate to build the app, where the scripts will generate a ~/dist-folder. In this folder are all the files you'd upload to your host.

You can also run yarn run build and yarn run start on a dedicated server to run a node.js server. You will have to set up proxying to localhost:3000 and point the webroot to /dist/ for this to work. Some prefer this solution, and it will autogenerate the files if they're changed - ie. an ecommerce solution where the product stock changes all the time.

You can, of course, just use npm if you don't have yarn available.

Folder structure

Almost as per Nuxt standard, the folder structure is as follows:

  • ~/assets
  • ~/components
  • ~/layouts
  • ~/plugins
  • ~/static
  • ~/views*

All common styling belongs in the ~/assets/sass-folder, and the files are named so it should be easy to find what's what.

All the custom Vue-components resides in the ~/components-folder.

All layouts resides in the ~/layouts-folder (yeah, really).

All custom plugin loaders and, in this case, directives and classes resides in the ~/plugins-folder.

All static content like images and fonts are stored in the ~/static-folder, as per Nuxt standard.

* = The only difference from a standard Nuxt installation is, that I'm using a custom router config. Since the standard Nuxt generation of routes doesn't allow me to name routes manually, which I need for this.$route.name in the toolbar, I had to solve it this way. That means that all pages that in a standard Nuxt install resides in ~/pages, are now stored in ~/views, and manually set up in /router.js. The Nuxt config is only set to generate the /-route, as this is needed for the index page to work.


As mentioned, all routes have to be set up manually. However, it's rather straight forward, and it follows vue-router's scheme. All routes are residing in /router.js. Here's an example:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'

import PageA from '~/views/page-a.vue'
import PageB from '~/views/page-b.vue'
import PageC from '~/views/page-c.vue'
import PageError from '~/views/page-error.vue'


export function createRouter() {
    return new Router({
        linkActiveClass: 'router-link-active',
        routes: [
                path: '/page-a',
                component: PageA,
                name: 'Page A'
                path: '/page-b',
                component: PageB,
                name: 'Page B'
                path: '/page-c',
                component: PageC,
                name: 'Page C'
                path: '/404',
                component: PageError,
                name: '404 - not found'
                path: '*',
                redirect: '404'

This will generate the routes for /page-a, /page-b, /page-c, /404, and will redirect all non-routes (example: /ghhghghg) to /404.

Editing content

You probably want to edit the content, if you want to copy the site and just change some stuff.

In this Nuxt install, I'm getting my data from a Strapi API with axios. You probablyt don't want these data on your page if you're straight up copying it. Thus you'll need to remove those asyncData-functions from each page.

It's on my todo-list to throw an error, if the api-request isn't coming from my own server, so you'll notice once you boot up the page.

Custom components

This project is full of custom and homemade components. Unused components are, of course, not being loaded, to keep app.js at a minimum.

Perhaps I will write some documentation on how they're used, if this is needed. However, since this is just to show my Vue-skills, and since this is a personal website just for me, I haven't written any. They should be straight forward, though.

The list is as follows:



This is basically the sidenav menu content.


This is the small box with the social icons and profile image you see on the front/profile page.


These items are the social icons in said small box.


These are the "switch" progressbars you see in the Skills-section on the profile page. These are not draggable, sorry. A demo can be found on my CodePen.


This is the projects you see on the projects page. This is also where I use vue-masonry.


This is the sidenav. Yeah... This also includes the sidenav-backdrop - the dark, clickable area that covers the page when the sidebar is active on small devices.


This is the timeline you see on the Resume page. A working demo can be found on my CodePen with slightly different styling.


Wrapper for the items inside moso-timeline.


This is basically just the toolbar for the title and the version badge.


A simple version badge that is literally just a string with some styling.


This is from the framework Nano that I'm working on in my sparetime. This is the small ripple you see when you click on buttons and the social icons. This is inspired by Material Design (look under "button with ripple") and requires a custom directive and a custom class which are both included in this project.


Please report any issues and non-working stuff here on GitHub.

* rebuilt = This site used to be a Polymer-site. But I saw the light and rebuilt it from scratch in Vue.