Nitro does not respect module path (e.g. in monorepo) with target: server

Hey all!

When using Nitro with target: server and a monorepo (see repo structure), the Nitro output does not include the correct path to the deps (e.g. un fetch polyfill)


  1. Install deps yarn
  2. Build app yarn build
  3. Check packages/app/.output/server/index.js. Here, the path is set correct (../../../../node_modules/@nuxt/un/runtime/polyfill/fetch.node.js in our case)
  4. Now check packages/app/.output/server/nitro/server.js. The path incorrect here
  5. Same for packages/app/.output/server/nitro/chunks/app/render.js

Expected path: require('../../../../../node_modules/@nuxt/un/runtime/polyfill/fetch.node.js'); Actual path: require('../../../../node_modules/@nuxt/un/runtime/polyfill/fetch.node.js');

When fixing the paths manually, the app runs as expected