
Explains the meaning of an HTTP status code on the command line

Primary LanguagePython

 _   _ _____ _____ ____   ____ ___  ____  _____
| | | |_   _|_   _|  _ \ / ___/ _ \|  _ \| ____|
| |_| | | |   | | | |_) | |  | | | | | | |  _|
|  _  | | |   | | |  __/| |__| |_| | |_| | |___
|_| |_| |_|   |_| |_|    \____\___/|____/|_____|

httpcode is a little utility that explains the meaning of an HTTP status code on the command line.



$ [sudo] pip install httpcode

There is also an official DEB package available at http://packages.debian.org/sid/httpcode


Explain 405 status code

$ hc 405
Status code 405
Message: Method Not Allowed
Code explanation: Specified method is invalid for this resource.

Or 418 status code :)

$ hc 418
Status code 418
Message: I'm a teapot
Code explanation: The HTCPCP server is a teapot

List all codes

$ hc
Status code 100
Message: Continue
Code explanation: Request received, please continue

Status code 101
Message: Switching Protocols
Code explanation: Switching to new protocol; obey Upgrade header

Status code 200
Message: OK
Code explanation: Request fulfilled, document follows


Search code(s) by description (case-insensitive)

$ hc -s too
Status code 413
Message: Request Entity Too Large
Code explanation: Entity is too large.

Status code 414
Message: Request-URI Too Long
Code explanation: URI is too long.

Filter codes with a regex

$ hc 30[12]
Status code 301
Message: Moved Permanently
Code explanation: Object moved permanently -- see URI list

Status code 302
Message: Found
Code explanation: Object moved temporarily -- see URI list

Use an 'x' for any digit

$ hc 1xx
Status code 100
Message: Continue
Code explanation: Request received, please continue

Status code 101
Message: Switching Protocols
Code explanation: Switching to new protocol; obey Upgrade header

Show help

$ hc -h
Usage: hc [code] [options]

code may contain regular expression or use 'x' to denote any digit
code examples: 418, 30[12], 3.*, 1xx

Without parameters lists all available
HTTP status codes and their description

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SEARCH, --search=SEARCH
                        Search for a code by name or description. Search text
                        may contain regular expressions.


Add more codes