
A python cli to github issues

Primary LanguagePython

sighis (SImple GitHub ISsue cli)

A python cli for github issues


  • The most approachable github3.py from Ian Cordasco. pip install github3.py or roll your own from the repository.
  • python2.7 or better.



Get a Personal API Access Token from your github account and either put it in $GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable or store it in your myproject/.git/config under github.token:

git config github.token 1A2B3C4D5E6F7A8B9C0D

sighis will look for the username of your github account with the following preferences:

  1. github.user in myproject/.git/config
  2. $USER
  3. -u parameter value to the program

Working with sighis

The general format of the program is

%prog command arg flags

where action is one of show, search or edit:

%prog edit [issuenumber] [--reopen|--close|--comment|--new] "[comment]"

%prog search [issuenumber|issuenumber-issuenumber+n|issuenumber..issuenumber+n|searchstring]

%prog show [issuenumber] [--commits|--compact]

At any time, issuing -h or --help will bring up the program help listing.

Notes on the inner workings of sighis

If, at some point, sighis acts in a way counter-intuitive, the following tries to explain the rationale and inner workings of sighis.

Issue lookup heuristics

sighis will try to interpret the positional argument given by the following heuristic:

  1. Try to interpret the argument as an integer. If successful, a lookup will be made for the specific issue number
  2. If the argument has the following form: 12..15 or 12-15, the program will interpret the argument as a range of issue numbers, inclusive. If this is the case, a lookup will be made for the range of numbers and a list of issues will be returned
  3. If the argument cannot be parsed to any of the two above forms, it will be interpreted as a search string and a search will be performed against all the issues in the project.