
This is the repo for making documentation for Antares API via Sphinx and GitHub pages

Directory Structure

  • antares: where python source code for API goes.
  • doc/source/: where .rst files for documentation goes.
  • Makefile: used to generate html files for online documentation at here.

Documentation .rst Source Code Structure


|--- _static/ (resources, like png, js files, etc.)
|--- alert/ (.rst docs for antares.model.alert.*)
|--- property/ (.rst docs for*)
|--- context/ (.rst docs for antares.model.context.*)
|--- examples/ (.rst docs for examples)
|--- helper/ (.rst docs for antares.model.helper.*)
|--- index.rst (for the main index page)
|--- rules_constraints.rst (for rules&constraints, referenced in index.rst)

directories correspond to python modules, .rst files correspond to python classes

How to Generate Online Documentation

There are two branches for this repo, one is master, the other one is gh-pages, which is used by Github to render webpages. You never need to explicitly switch to gh-pages branch. Always work with the master branch.

-- Please note that you don't really need to make any changes to gh-pages.

Updating Python Files and Rendering New Documentation

  1. Ensure that Sphinx is installed in your python virtual-environment (pip install Sphinx)
    • This is used by the makefile
  2. Update python files in antares/ (copy changed files from antares repo)
  3. Make sure .py files in antares/ are compilable by executing: python3 install
    • The makefile will try to import all .py files in antares/, any import errors will cause errors in rendering webpages
  4. Make updates to the corresponding .rst files under doc/source/; this is not done automatically
    • That is, add labels for new attributes, methods, etc. so that the new html pages reflect the new python docstrings
  5. Commit and push your changes to the master branch.
  6. Render the webpages to reflect most-recent changes by executing: make gh-pages
    • This will push the newly rendered html files to the gh-pages branch
  7. Go to to see the newly updated webpages.
    • If you cannot see the changes immediately, refresh the page for a couple of times or clean up the cookies, then you should be good to go.
