Anomaly detection based on DNS traffic analysis

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

BotDAD (Bot DNS Anomaly Detector)

Tool for Anomaly based Botnet detection using DNS traffic analysis (Tested on Windows 10 64 bit. Should work for Linux and other Windows versions)

I - Installation Instruction

  1. Install Python 2.7.9 (https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-279/)

  2. Install Pycharm Community Edition (Optional)

  3. Install Following Packages

    a) python -m pip install ipaddr

    b) python -m pip install dpkt

    c) python -m pip install geoip2

    d) python -m pip install matplotlib

    (Note: in case of error, upgrade pip to latest version using this command : python -m pip install -U pip)

    e) python -m pip install win_inet_pton

II- Dataset Preparation

  1. Filter all DNS traffic from Pcap file as tool analyses DNS packets only using command below :

    c:\Progra~1\Wireshark\tshark.exe -r "input.pcap" -F pcap -Y dns -t ad -w "big.pcap"

  2. Convert a bigger pcapfile to 1 hour duration using the command below as fingerprint are calculated for one hour:

    c:\Progra~1\Wireshark\editcap.exe -F pcap -i 3600 "big.pcap" "slice.pcap"

  3. Download the sample file (20160421_150521.pcap) from link below:


  4. Download sample file from Mendeley Dataset from link below:


Running BotDAD

  1. Download and extract the zip from the github repository to BotDAD Folder

  2. <<botDAD_Path>>:> C:\python27\Python.exe main.py Kindly check the pathname in the main.py before proceeding

    Following output should come after successful running

             BotDAD Ver 0.2
                   Verbose : 1
                   Mode    : 3
             =============== PCAP Processing Started at  2018-11-14 11:34:33.811000 ===========
             Packets (#)		Time Taken
                     10 		0:00:00.002000
                    100 		0:00:00.003000
               =============== PCAP Processing completed at 2018-11-14 11:36:36.260000 ==========
             Total number of Packets Processed        : 1000000
             Total number of DNS Query                : 440969
             Total number of DNS Responses            : 559031
             Total number of Unknown Response Records : 0
             Total number of Failed Responses         : 50108
             Total Time taken                         : 0:02:02.449000
             Number of infected Hosts = 19
             Number of Clean Hosts = 755
             l - list 	 m - Save Map 	 p - plot 	d/D - Display/Save 	 h - saveHtml 	 x - saveCSV 	 F - Find Req                       URl	 f - Find Resolved IP	 q - quit
  3. Type l for list of hosts with maximum DNS queries

               Hosts with over 100 distinct requests 
              1.	4156
              2.	667
              3.	1492
              4.	223
              5.	285
  4. Type d to display DNS queries data

              Enter Hostname :
              ('', 4292, 0, 2037, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
              Request:	34267	aqgmekpyyhxyrnly.eu	1	21/04/16 09:46:20
              Request:	20800	fbkbpdqvtqrssyoxlcor.ru	1	21/04/16 09:48:02
              Request:	55664	xqjggsdhhcp.sx	1	21/04/16 09:48:02
              Request:	15193	wbdaojgucxaq.ms	1	21/04/16 09:49:15
              Request:	2527	kvivhjwewvm.to	1	21/04/16 09:45:43
  5. Type p to plot DNS query timeline

              Enter Hostname :
              ('Hostname : ', '')
              (' Number of URLs :', 2037)
              A plot of DNS query timeline will be displayed
  6. Following files will be generated at the successful completion of the script

    a) In the same folder as the pcap file

               DNS Requests    : 20160421_150521.pcap_req.csv
               DNS Response    : 20160421_150521.pcap_res.csv
               PCap Parser Log : 20160421_150521.pcap_log.csv

    b) In the Output folder

              Hosts DNS fingerpeint : DNS_FP.csv
              Anomaly detection     : DNS_FP_Anomaly.csv

For BotDAD machine learning module please refer readme file from link below:



  1. Singh M, Singh M, Kaur S (2018) Detecting bot-infected machines using DNS fingerprinting. Digit Investig 28:14–33 . doi: 10.1016/j.diin.2018.12.005