
Record Audio on PC, Video on Phone simultaneously and merge them automatically with sync

Primary LanguageDart


Record audio on PC, video on android and merge them with sync

App (only for Macos)

Download from Releases or run via flutter run -d macos (May not work via vscode, use iterm).

Record via Command Line

Scripts are in scripts folder.


install dependencies

Ubuntu -

sudo apt-get install sox
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
sudo apt install android-tools-adb

Or MacOS -

brew install sox ffmpeg android-tools-adb

Note that these commands should be made available via usr/local/bin.

Running script

cd /home/location/of/this/file

Optionally you can add it to your path variable to run it from anywhere

How to Record

  • Connect your Android phone to your PC, turn on USB debugging on it
  • Set your phone to File transfer

Via Command line -

  • Run the script
  • Camera app will turn on, but will not start recording, Adjust the Camera as you want
  • Press enter to start recording (ctrl + c to stop recording)
  • Three files will be created in that location
    • audio.mp3 (Raw audio from pc mic)
    • video.mp4 (Raw video + audio from phone)
    • project.mp4 ( Video from phone + audio from pc , merged with synchronisation )

Note: pkmnrec is made to work on macOS catalina, use pkmnrec_ubuntu for ubuntu