
Scrape a twitter user's media easily

Primary LanguagePython


Download a Twitter user's media easily, no API keys needed.

mediascrape requires no API credentials and instead relies on public endpoints combined with HTML parsing from lxml to extract data.


  • Python 3

  • Python module dependencies:

    • request
      • pip3 install requests
    • lxml
      • pip3 install lxml
    • cssselect
      • pip3 install cssselect


to download all media images from a user

python3 mediascrape.py -u [user]

eg: python3 mediascrape.py -u lilbthebasedgod

by default this will save all files to a directory of /media/[user]/*

If you wish to specify a directory to save media into you can do with with the -o or --output options like this:

python3 mediascrape.py -u [user] -o [output directory]

When using -o remember to specify an absolute path.


to download all media images from a list of users, make a line-seperated .txt list of users and pass it to multi_mediascrape with -f

python3 multi_mediascrape.py -f [txt file of names]

eg: python3 multi_mediascrape.py -f /home/me/tweetscrape/models/names.txt

by default this will save all files to a directory of /media/[user]/*

If you wish to specify a directory to save media into you can do with with the -o or --output options like this:

python3 multi_mediascrape.py -f [txt file of names] -o [output directory]

When using -o remember to specify an absolute path.


experimental script to find the same images posted in different tweets, possibly suggesting the image is of meme interest

python memefinder.py -d [optional directory] -x [show cross post only]