- 3.6
- 3.7
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install git+http://github.com/manoadamro/flapi
jwt_handler = FlaskJwt("secret", lifespan=300)
def get_token():
encoded_token = jwt_handler.generate_token({"uuid": "123"}, ["read:protected"])
return {"jwt": token}
def protected():
return "success"
@protect(HasScopes("read:protected"), MatchValue("jwt:uuid", "url:uuid"))
def protected_user(uuid):
return uuid
Creates an instance of FlaskJwt
jwt_handler = FlaskJwt(secret, lifespan, **kwargs)
secret: str (required) String used to sign tokens.
lifespan: int (required) Lifespan of a token in seconds, after which it will be considered invalid
app: flask.Flask (default: None):Instance of a flask app (flask.Flask). If one is provided it will be initialised immediately
verify: bool (default: True) If false, token rules will not be verified.
auto_update: bool (default: False) Return a token with an updated expiry in every response to a request that contained a valid jwt.
algorithm: str (default: HS256) Algorithm used to sign tokens.
issuer: str, list, callable (default: None) Limit token usage by issuer or list of issuers. can be callable returning string or list of strings
audience: str, list, callable (default: None) Limit token usage by audience or list of audiences. can be callable returning string or list of strings
json_encoder: json.JSONEncoder (default: None) Json encoder used to serialise dicts
Generates a new token, stores the decoded version in global store (can be retrieved with FlaskJwt.current_token()
) and returns the encoded version
jwt_handler = FlaskJwt(...)
jwt_handler.generate_token(fields, scopes, **kwargs)
fields: dict (required) Token body
scopes: list, callable (default: ()) List of string scopes eg. read:thing
, write:thing
. can be callable returning list of strings
algorithm: str (default: HS256) Algorithm used to sign tokens.
headers: dict (default: None) Token headers
not_before: float (default: None) UTC timestamp representing the earliest time that the token will be considered valid
lifespan: int (defalut: constructor definition) Lifespan of a token in seconds, after which it will be considered invalid. defaults to lifespan defined in constructor if not defined, otherwise overrides it.
Returns the decoded token associated with the current request from global store
def some_method():
rules: one or more rules. see flapi.jwt.rules
Base class for all JWT rules.
Can be used to build custom rules
class CustomRule(JwtRule):
A simple example to show to to extend JwtRule
Ensures a token contains all of the keys defined in constructor
def __init__(*expected_keys: Any):
defines a list of keys that must exist in a token
self.expected_keys: List[str] = expected_keys
def __call__(self, token: Dict) -> bool:
must be implemented.
takes a decoded token (dict).
returns True or False
return all(i in token.items() for i in self.expected_keys())
rule = CustomRule("thing", "other_thing"):
rule({"thing" 123, "nope": 321})
rule({"thing" 123, "other_thing": 321})
If __call__
method is not implemented in a subclass of JwtRule, a NotImplementedException
will be raised.
Ensures that a token contains all of the defined scopes
rule = HasScopes("read:thing", "write:thing"):
rule({"some": "thing", "other": 123, "scp": ["read:thing", "write:other"]})
rule({"some": "thing", "other": 123, "scp": ["read:thing", "write:thing"]})
Uses jsonpointer
to ensure that two or more values are the same.
valid objects are:
- header : flask.request.header
- json : flask.request.json
- url : flask.request.view_args
- param : flask.request.args
- form : flask.request.form
- jwt : the active token
# url: /some/page/<id>
# id: "12345"
rule = MatchValue("jwt:id", "url:id")
rule({"id": "54321"})
rule({"id": "12345"})
rule = MatchValue("jwt:thing/id", "url:id")
rule({"thing": {"id": "12345"}})
rule({"id": "12345"})
Takes one or more callables that must all return True in order for the check to be considered a pass.
def yes(token):
return True
def no(token):
return False
rule = Callback(no)
rule({"some": "thing"})
rule = Callback(yes)
rule({"some": "thing"})
Considers the check passed if any of the defined rule pass
rule = AnyOf(
HasScopes("read:thing", "write:thing"),
MatchValue("jwt:id", "url:id"))
rule({"scp": ["read:thing", "write:other"]})
rule({"id": "54321"})
rule({"some": "thing"})
Considers the check passed if all of the defined rule pass
# url: /some/page/<id>
# id: "12345"
rule = AllOf(
HasScopes("read:thing", "write:thing"),
MatchValue("jwt:id", "url:id"))
rule({"scp": ["read:thing", "write:other"]})
rule({"id": "54321"})
rule({"id": "54321", "scp": ["read:thing", "write:other"]})
Considers the check passed if none of the defined rule pass
# url: /some/page/<id>
# id: "12345"
rule = AllOf(
HasScopes("read:thing", "write:thing"),
MatchValue("jwt:id", "url:id"))
rule({"scp": ["read:thing", "write:other"]})
rule({"id": "54321"})
rule({"id": "54321", "scp": ["read:thing", "write:other"]})
rule({"some": "thing"})
def get_minimum_dob():
return (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=365.25 * 16)).date()
class Address(Schema):
number = Int(min_value=0, nullable=False)
post_code = Regex(
re.compile("[a-zA-z]{2}[0-9] ?[0-9][a-zA-z]{2}"), nullable=False
class Items(Schema):
name = String(min_length=3, max_length=50, nullable=False)
count = Int(min_value=0, default=0)
class Person(Schema):
__strict__ = True
name = String(min_length=3, max_length=50, nullable=False)
address = Object(Address, nullable=False, strict=True)
friends = Array(Uuid, default=[])
items = Array(Object(Items, strict=False), default=[])
date_of_birth = Date(max_value=get_minimum_dob, nullable=False)
date_of_death = Date(max_value=datetime.date.today, nullable=True)
@custom_property(int, float, nullable=False)
def something(cls, value):
return value * 2
Base class for schema definitions
class MySchema(Schema):
Anything (including methods) defined in schema classes will be considered a property. If you wish to hide an attribute/method you will need to prefix it with an underscore
You can define properties using a method without the
decorator. This will mean you are passed value with no checks having been done on it. -
To mark a schema as "strict" (meaning extra keys are not accepted), add
__strict__ = True
as an attribute
def some_method():
schema: Schema, Property or Rule (required) The check that has to pass in order for the decorated method to be called. see flapi.schema.types
Base class for all JWT rules.
Can be used to build custom property
class MyProperty:
def __init__(self, multiplier, **kwargs):
# call super and tell Property we only accept ints or floats,
# pass on any kwargs
super(DateTime, self).__init__(int, float, **kwargs)
self.multiplier = multiplier
def __call__(self, item):
# do the default checks by calling super(),
# get back an updated value
value = super(Array, self).__call__(value)
# do the property thing
return value * multiplier
types: tuple of types (required) Accepted value types
nullable: bool (default True) If false, an error will be raised if a null value is receeved
default: Any (default None) If a null value is a received, it will be replaced with this
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
Does the same as Property but as a decorator!
@custom_property(int, float, nullable=False)
def something(cls, value):
return value * 2
@custom_property(int, float, default=1)
def something_else(cls, value):
return value * 3
types: tuple of types (required) Accepted value types
nullable: bool (default True) If false, an error will be raised if a null value is receeved
default: Any (default None) If a null value is a received, it will be replaced with this
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
Allows nesting of schemas
class Address(Schema):
number = Int(min_value=0, nullable=False)
post_code = Regex(
re.compile("[a-zA-z]{2}[0-9] ?[0-9][a-zA-z]{2}"), nullable=False
class Person(Schema):
address = Object(Address, nullable=False, strict=True)
strict: bool (default False) overrides __strict__
attribute on schema definition
nullable: bool (default True) If false, an error will be raised if a null value is receeved
default: Any (default None) If a null value is a received, it will be replaced with this
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
Defines an array of items conforming to a Schema/Property definition
class MySchema(Schema):
items = Array(Object(Item, strict=False), default=[])
min_length: Property or Rule (required)
min_length: int or callable returning int (default None) Minimum allowed array length
max_length: int or callable returning int (default None) Maximum allowed array length
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
- Value will default to an empty array if none
Ensures a value is equal to one from a defined set.
class MySchema(Schema):
choice = Choice([Bool(), Int(), "1", "2"], nullable=False)
choices: list (required) A list containing specific valid values, Property definitions or a mix of the two.
nullable: bool (default True) If false, an error will be raised if a null value is receeved
default: Any (default None) If a null value is a received, it will be replaced with this
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
- If a value conforms to more than one choice, it will be validated against the first valid one.
Ensures a value is either an in or a float
class MySchema(Schema):
number = Number(min_value=0, max_value=10, nullable=False, default=2)
min_value: int, float or callable returning int or float (default None) Minimum allowed value
max_value: int, float or callable returning int or float (default None) Maximum allowed value
nullable: bool (default True) If false, an error will be raised if a null value is receeved
default: Any (default None) If a null value is a received, it will be replaced with this
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
Ensures a value is an integer
class MySchema(Schema):
number = Int(min_value=0, max_value=10, nullable=False, default=2)
min_value: int or callable returning int (default None) Minimum allowed value
max_value: int or callable returning int (default None) Maximum allowed value
nullable: bool (default True) If false, an error will be raised if a null value is receeved
default: Any (default None) If a null value is a received, it will be replaced with this
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
Ensures a value is a float
class MySchema(Schema):
number = Float(min_value=0.0, max_value=6.5, nullable=False, default=2.5)
min_value: float or callable returning float (default None) Minimum allowed value
max_value: float or callable returning float (default None) Maximum allowed value
nullable: bool (default True) If false, an error will be raised if a null value is receeved
default: Any (default None) If a null value is a received, it will be replaced with this
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
Ensures a value is either true or false
class MySchema(Schema):
boolean = Bool(nullable=False, default=True)
nullable: bool (default True) If false, an error will be raised if a null value is receeved
default: Any (default None) If a null value is a received, it will be replaced with this
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
Ensures a value is a string
class MySchema(Schema):
thing = String(min_length=2, max_length=5, nullable=False)
min_length: int or callable returning int (default None) Minimum allowed string length
max_length: int or callable returning int (default None) Maximum allowed string length
nullable: bool (default True) If false, an error will be raised if a null value is receeved
default: Any (default None) If a null value is a received, it will be replaced with this
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
Ensures a value matches a regex string
class MySchema(Schema):
thing = Regex(".+@[^@]+.[^@]{2,}$", min_length=2, max_length=5, nullable=False)
matcher: regex string or compiled pattern (required) Regex to match value against
min_length: int or callable returning int (default None) Minimum allowed string length
max_length: int or callable returning int (default None) Maximum allowed string length
nullable: bool (default True) If false, an error will be raised if a null value is receeved
default: Any (default None) If a null value is a received, it will be replaced with this
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
Ensures a value is a valid email address
class MySchema(Schema):
thing = Email(nullable=False)
min_length: int or callable returning int (default None) Minimum allowed string length
max_length: int or callable returning int (default None) Maximum allowed string length
nullable: bool (default True) If false, an error will be raised if a null value is receeved
default: Any (default None) If a null value is a received, it will be replaced with this
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
- matcher used:
Ensures a value is a valid uuid
class MySchema(Schema):
thing = Email(nullable=False, strip_hyphens=True)
strip_hyphens: bool (default False) If true, hyphens will be removed from the value string
nullable: bool (default True) If false, an error will be raised if a null value is receeved
default: Any (default None) If a null value is a received, it will be replaced with this
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
- matcher used:
Ensures a value is either a valid iso8601 date or utc timestamp and parses to date object
class MySchema(Schema):
date = Date(nullable=False, min_value=datetime.date.today)
min_value: date or callable returning date (default None) Minimum allowed date
max_value: date or callable returning date (default None) Maximum allowed date
nullable: bool (default True) If false, an error will be raised if a null value is receeved
default: Any (default None) If a null value is a received, it will be replaced with this
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
- format used:
Ensures a value is a valid iso8601 datetime or utc timestamp and parses to datetime object
class MySchema(Schema):
time = DateTime(nullable=False, min_value=datetime.datetime.now)
min_value: datetime or callable returning datetime (default None) Minimum allowed datetime
max_value: datetime or callable returning datetime (default None) Maximum allowed datetime
nullable: bool (default True) If false, an error will be raised if a null value is receeved
default: Any (default None) If a null value is a received, it will be replaced with this
callback: Callable (default None) A method to call once all checks are complete. This method receives the value as its only parameter and returns a modified value
format used:
accepts timezones in
format orZ
TODO description
# TODO example
TODO params
TODO description
# TODO example
TODO params
TODO description
# TODO example
TODO params
TODO description
# TODO example
TODO params
- Allow MatchValue to use custom objects, probably accept tuple (callable, path) in place of string path.
- Pass strings to jwt_protected and have them implicitly used as required scopes.
- Pass a tuple to any collection rule and have it implicitly used as an AllOf
- Allow more parameters to be resolved callables
- Auto map to
model - Auto map to
model - Define a key that is different to the attribute in schema class
- Allow more parameters to be resolved callables