- 7
Please don't "arch=native"
#322 opened by VictorEijkhout - 4
trouble importing C extensions
#331 opened by nickmagnelli - 7
Corrfunc 3.0 release discussion
#328 opened by manodeep - 0
Add support for free-thread CPython (python >=3.13)
#329 opened by manodeep - 4
CI failure for python 2.7
#320 opened by manodeep - 11
Makefile incorrectly searches numpy
#321 opened by VictorEijkhout - 7
Issues compiling with Intel ICX
#326 opened by MatthieuSchaller - 5
- 4
Add new AVX/SSE calls for cos/sin functions
#310 opened by vidirsic - 11
Option to use S/DGEMM within lattice-pairs
#301 opened by manodeep - 3
Installation Error (can't find GSL)
#262 opened by mokidm - 3
Xi from LRGs.dat
#300 opened by schwartzw - 0
Add `arm64` (`armv8`) kernels to all pair-counters (targeting Apple M1 and above)
#317 opened by manodeep - 1
- 12
- 14
- 15
Compiling on Apple M1
#241 opened by manodeep - 3
Help with installing on macOS Ventura 13
#298 opened by boryanah - 22
M2 compiling issues
#294 opened by quasars100 - 4
Corrfunc DDtheta_mocks DEC range
#287 opened by huanian - 0
GitHub CI runners need to be updated
#290 opened by manodeep - 1
Add asv benchmarks
#292 opened by manodeep - 2
- 2
Custom compiler instruction for pip does not work
#284 opened by misharash - 4
Some questions about API and integrated test suite
#288 opened by z20230220 - 2
Box size for each dimension in Corrfunc.theory
#247 opened by johannesulf - 3
pytest fails on local supercomputer (Skylake cpus)
#283 opened by manodeep - 2
Can't install Corrfunc on google colab
#281 opened by Nestak2 - 5
ld: library not found for -liomp5 when installing
#272 opened by ziarriall - 8
test failure after pip install
#279 opened by JonLoveday - 2
- 4
DDsmu and DDsmu_mocks give different results
#273 opened by pribamello - 7
separation average
#271 opened by adematti - 17
script hangs when using unbuffered output
#269 opened by valerio-marra - 5
- 1
Drop certain code options
#267 opened by manodeep - 0
- 2
boxsize when periodic = False
#256 opened by adematti - 3
interrupt_status data races
#255 opened - 2
Usage of Corrfunct in data analysis
#253 opened by SergeiDBykov - 1
Installing on mac-os
#254 opened by SergeiDBykov - 3
DDrppi function seems not to return expected pair counts
#252 opened by flepri95 - 4
- 0
Add doctests to sphinx
#249 opened by manodeep - 3
MalFunctioning of DDrppi
#248 opened by huanian - 2
- 22
Cannot run tests on NERSC interactive node
#245 opened by Andrei-EPFL - 30
gcc error when Make
#243 opened by alanxuhaojie - 2
Better parallelization algorithm for gridlink
#240 opened by lgarrison - 14
unnecessary vpf check?
#237 opened by lgarrison