Essential stuff used in this config
- i3-gaps (window manager)
- Polybar (status bar)
- Autotiling (Autotiler for i3)
- Kitty (Terminal)
- Nerd Fonts (FontAwesome Icons in Polybar) + (Hack Nerd Font)
- Clearine (X11 Logout UI)
- Betterlockscreen (Lockscreen)
- Rofi (window switcher, launcher etc use rofi-git)
- Dunst (notification daemon)
- Qogir-icons (Icon theme used in Rofi)
- Catppuccin Theme (Colour Theme used everywhere)
- Picom (Compositor)
- Feh (Needed to use script to set wallpaper from Ranger)
- Starship (Cross-Shell Prompt)
- vim-airline (status/tabline for vim)
- Video (Dotfiles in action Old somewhat relevant still)
All applications used in this config should be available in most major distros standard repos.