
A Laravel Nova tool for editing custom settings using native Nova fields.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Nova Settings

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This Laravel Nova package allows you to create custom settings in code (using Nova's native fields) and creates a UI for the users where the settings can be edited.


  • Laravel Nova >= 2.9


  • Settings fields management in code
  • UI for editing settings
  • Helpers for accessing settings
  • Rule validation support
  • Supports nova-translatable w/ rule validation


Settings View


Install the package in a Laravel Nova project via Composer:

composer require optimistdigital/nova-settings

Publish the database migration(s) and run migrate:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OptimistDigital\NovaSettings\ToolServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan migrate

Register the tool with Nova in the tools() method of the NovaServiceProvider:

// in app/Providers/NovaServiceProvider.php

public function tools()
    return [
        // ...
        new \OptimistDigital\NovaSettings\NovaSettings


Registering fields

Define the fields in your NovaServiceProvider's boot() function by calling NovaSettings::setSettingsFields().

// Using an array
    Text::make('Some setting', 'some_setting'),
    Number::make('A number', 'a_number'),

// OR

// Using a callable
\OptimistDigital\NovaSettings\NovaSettings::addSettingsFields(function() {
  return [
    Text::make('Some setting', 'some_setting'),
    Number::make('A number', 'a_number'),


If you want the value of the setting to be formatted before it's returned, pass an array similar to Eloquent's $casts property as the second parameter.

    // ... fields
], [
  'some_boolean_value' => 'boolean',
  'some_float' => 'float',
  'some_collection' => 'collection',
  // ...

Helper functions

nova_get_settings($keys = null)

Call nova_get_settings() to get all the settings formated as a regular array. If you pass in $keys as an array, it will return only the keys listed.

nova_get_setting($key, $default = null)

To get a single setting's value, call nova_get_setting('some_setting_key'). It will return either a value or null if there's no setting with such key.

You can also pass default value as a second argument nova_get_setting('some_setting_key', 'default_value'), which will be returned, if no setting was found with given key.


The config file can be published using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OptimistDigital\NovaSettings\ToolServiceProvider" --tag="config"
Name Type Default Description
reload_page_on_save Boolean false Reload the entire page on save. Useful when updating any Nova UI related settings.
models.settings Model Settings::class Optionally override the Settings model.


The translation file(s) can be published by using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OptimistDigital\NovaSettings\ToolServiceProvider" --tag="translations"

You can add your translations to resources/lang/vendor/nova-settings/ by creating a new translations file with the locale name (ie et.json) and copying the JSON from the existing en.json.



Nova Settings is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.