
Complete realtime chat application with Laravel 5.4, vue.js and pusher.

Primary LanguagePHP


A realtime chat app built with Laravel 5.4, vue.js and pusher. We can send both text messages and files (e.g images,pdf,zip etc) through this app.

💬 Live Demo

Project Installation

  1. Clone repo / download project.
  2. Open cmd and go to your project directory folder.
  3. Install composer dependencies composer install.
  4. Install node dependencies npm install.
  5. Create .env file with environment variables,or you can rename .env.example file to .env.
  6. Set database connection in .env file.
  7. Go to Pusher Dashboard and create new account if you have not done before.
  8. Set following things in .env file
    • PUSHER_APP_ID=your_pusher_app_id
    • PUSHER_APP_KEY=your_pusher_app_key
    • PUSHER_APP_SECRET=your_pusher_app_secret
  9. Open your project_directory/config/broadcasting.php file and find connections->pusher->options and set cluster to pusher cluster value.
  10. Open your project_directory/resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js file and at the end of file set value for key, cluster from pusher app dashboard.
  11. Run migrations to generate tables in your database php artisan migrate.
  12. Open cmd and go to your project directory folder and run npm run watch.
  13. Finally enter project_directory/public in the browser to run the app

Enjoy chatting. Would be grateful for your feedback.