Task Management Application

The Task Management App simplifies task organization and tracking. With intuitive features and collaborative capabilities, users efficiently manage tasks for enhanced productivity.


  • Task Creation: Users can add new tasks by entering the task title, description, priority, and category.

  • Task Listing: Displays a list of all tasks with options to view details, edit, or delete tasks.

  • Task Editing: Allows users to update task details such as title, description, priority, and category.

  • Task Deletion: Provides the ability to delete tasks from the list.


  • Navbar Component: For navigate the routes.

  • AllRoute Component: List of Routes.

  • TaskItem Component: Displays the list of tasks fetched from the backend.

  • Running the Application Locally Clone this repository to your local machine.

  • Navigate to the project directory in your terminal.

  • Run npm install to install dependencies.

  • Create a .env file in the root directory and specify the backend API URL.

  • Start the development server by running.

      npm start

Technologies Used

  • React: Frontend library for building user interfaces.

  • React Router: For handling navigation within the application.

  • Fetch: For making requests to the backend API.


  • Navigate to the Task Management Application in your browser.
  • Add new tasks, view task details, edit tasks, or delete tasks as needed.
  • Prioritize task according to priority level.

Deployed Link
