Pococare's video consultancy with doctors feature provides users with convenient and accessible virtual medical consultations. With this feature, users can connect with healthcare professionals through secure video calls for personalized healthcare advice and guidance.
Video call functionality is currently limited in the deployed version. For the best experience, clone the repository and run the application locally.
Why is it not working? Hosting service providers allow only one server on a specific port, preventing seamless peer-to-peer connections. Thus, only one person's video will be rendered in the deployed version.
How to make it work perfectly and make communication between doctors and patients
Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/manoj7654/doctor_patient_appointment_booking.git
Install dependencies:
cd backend & npm install.
Start Node.js server: npm run server.
Start Peer server on a separate port: peerjs --port 3001.
Access the application locally:
http://localhost: <your-port>
By running the application locally, you ensure separate ports for the Node.js and Peer servers, enabling successful peer-to-peer video communication.
Password: manoj
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/manoj7654/doctor_patient_appointment_booking.git
Install the dependencies for using this command
npm i instal
Create .env file for storing evironment variable.
- mongoUrl: for connecting to our databas
- key: for creating jwt token
- secret_key: for creating refresh token
- emailpassword: for sending confirmation mail regarding booking information
- Dependencies :
- express: Web application framework for Node.js.
- cors: Middleware for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
- mongoose: Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js.
- jsonwebtoken: Library for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
- bcrypt: Library nodemailer: To send Email notification
- peerjs : For making connection between doctor and patient during video conference.
npm run server
peerjs --port 3001
For code structure i used mvc structure
index.js: In this file sets up the Express.js server and establishes the database connection.
config/db.js: It is used for making connection to our database.
middlewares/authenticate.js: Defines the authentication middleware used to verify JWT tokens and authenticate users.
middlewares/authorization.js: Defines the authorization middleware used to check user roles and restrict access to certain routes.
models/bookingModal.js:It define the Mongoose schema and model for bookings.
models/userModal.js: It defines the Mongoose schema and model for users (doctors and patients).
routes/bookingRoute.js: It defines the Express.js router for booking-related endpoints.
routes/userRoute.js: It defines the Express.js router for user-related endpoints.
method : POST
Endpoint : users/register
Description: Registers a new user (doctor or patient) in the system.
Request Body:
name (string): name of the user. email (string): Email address of the user. password (string): Password for the user's account. role (string): Role of the user (doctor or patient). specialty (string, required for doctors): Specialty of the doctor (if the user is a doctor). location (string, required for doctors/patient): Location of the user. example: { "name":"Manoj Kumar", "email":"manojsfstm5@gmail.com", "password":"manoj", "gender":"male", "role":"doctor", "specialty":"dentist", "location":"Sitamarhi" }
Response : If all the fields given correct then it will show in response user register successfully as doctor or patient
* method : POST
* Endpoint : /users/login
* Request Body:
email (string): Email address of the user.
password (string): Password for the user's account.
example :
- Response: If both email and password same then it will create jwt token for accessing resticted rout
method : GET
Endpoint : /users/doctors
Response: It will return arr of response
example : [ { "_id": "6493043eeaadad0e9dad57d3", "name": "Manoj Kumar", "email": "manojsfstm5@gmail.com", "password": "$2b$05$1jNYYia4D5jWLerWEDGzZO8qyT.P4/ybcKswv8zcpt1KlRtuic5G6", "role": "doctor", "gender": "male", "specialty": "dentalist", "location": "Sitamarhi" }, { "_id": "649415a9d567725260dded98", "name": "chandan", "email": "ck@gmail.com", "password": "$2b$05$aGsCoeAHmOsv1ZSr2VdV/uW/auVG/aE4olSHOCy08yDlY.o6I2/8e", "role": "doctor", "gender": "male", "specialty": "Neurology", "location": "Delhi" }]
Endpoint : bookings/create
Authorization: Bearer token (JWT token obtained from user login).
Request body : doctorId (string): ID of the doctor for the booking.
bookingDate (string): Date of the appointment (format: "YYYY-MM-DD"). bookingSlot(string): TimeSlot of the appointment
Response : It will return an object containing all the details
method : GET
Endpoint : /bookings/singleUser
Authorization: Bearer token (JWT token obtained from user login).
Response : It will return arr of particular user
example : { "msg": "All booking data of doctorId 6493043eeaadad0e9dad57d3", "Data": [ { "_id": "64952bb3fb8a80458d7ff5fb", "userID": "64950e390427b10295ea3b8c", "doctorId": "6493043eeaadad0e9dad57d3", "email": "sanojkumar9110939228@gmail.com", "bookingDate": "2023-06-25", "bookingSlot": "12:00 PM to 01:00 PM", "__v": 0 }, { "_id": "6495432972867899b6e5294b", "userID": "6495431472867899b6e52946", "doctorId": "6493043eeaadad0e9dad57d3", "email": "jishnurajkarockal2001@gmail.com", "bookingDate": "2023-06-25", "bookingSlot": "04:00 PM to 05:00 PM", "__v": 0 } ] }
- method : DELETE
- Endpoint : /bookings/delete/:ID
- Authorization: Bearer token (JWT token obtained from user login).
- Parameter : ID of the booking
- Response : If role is doctor then it will deleted other wise throw an error you are not authorized.
- video_grid: Container for displaying video streams of participants.
- btns_div: Container for toggle buttons to control audio and video streams.
- audio: Button to toggle the user's audio stream.
- camera: Button to toggle the user's video stream.
1.Establishing a connection:
Create a WebSocket connection using io function. Initialize a Peer object with the server host and port. Accessing user's media streams:
Request access to the user's audio and video streams using getUserMedia.
Create a video element to display the user's video stream.
Mute the user's video stream.
Adding user's own video stream:
Add the user's video stream to the video_grid container. Handling incoming calls:
Answer incoming calls and display the caller's video stream. Toggling audio and video streams:
Add event listeners to the audio and camera buttons. Toggle the user's audio stream. Toggle the user's video stream. Update button colors based on toggle state. Handling user connections:
Handle new user connections and establish call connections. Joining the video call room:
Send a join-room event to the server with room ID and user ID.
Handle user disconnections and close call connections. Utility functions:
addVideoStream(video, stream): Add video stream to the video_grid.
OnOffAudio(state): Enable/disable audio track.
OnOffVideo(state): Enable/disable video track.