- The Task Manager application is a simple yet powerful solution for organizing tasks efficiently. With features such as task creation, editing, deletion, and detailed viewing, users can manage their tasks seamlessly. Built with Laravel, it offers a user-friendly interface for effective task management.
Task Listing: Users can view a list of all tasks.
Create Task: Users can add new tasks with a title and description.
View Task: Users can view details of a specific task.
Edit Task: Users can edit the title and description of a task.
Delete Task: Users can delete a task.
Clone Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine.
git clone <repository_url>
Install Dependencies: Navigate into the project directory and install the necessary dependencies using Composer.
cd todo composer install
Environment Configuration: Create a copy of the .env.example file and rename it to .env. Update the configuration values such as database connection details.
Database Migration: Run the database migrations to set up the required tables in the database.
php artisan migrate
Serve Application: Serve the application locally using the php artisan serve command.
php artisan serve
Access Application: Access the application in your web browser at http://localhost:8000.
Register/Login: Users need to register or login to manage their tasks. This application uses Laravel's built-in authentication system.
Task Management: Once logged in, users can perform CRUD operations on tasks using the provided interface.
tasks/create: User can create tasks.
task listing page users able to edit and delete the tasks.