
Github Action to create and upload macOS universal binaries

Primary LanguageShell


Github Action to create and upload macOS universal binaries


  • owner: The username of the Github repository owner
  • repository: The name of the Github repository
  • tag: The Github release to download amd64 and arm64 binaries from. These binaries are combined into a universal binary and uploaded as an release asset to the same tag. By default, it uses the latest Github release.
  • amd64: A substring can that can identify the arm64 binary from the various asets that are present in the selected Github release.
  • arm64: Similar to the amd64 substring, this one identifies the arm64 binary.
  • compressed: Whether the assets in the github release are compressed or not. If they are compressed, they are automatically uncompressed on download. Currently, only .tar.gz archives are supported.
  • binary-path: Provide a path to the binary within the compressed archive. If the assets are not compressed, this value will be ignored.
  • overwrite: When uploading the universal binary to the Github release, this options specifies whether or not to overwrite if an asset with the same name is already present.

Example usage

uses: "manojkarthick/macos-universal-binary-action@v0.1"
  owner: "manojkarthick"
  repo: "amalgam"
  tag: "v0.1.0"
  amd64: "darwin-amd64"
  arm64: "darwin-arm64"
  compressed: "true"
  overwrite: "true"
  universal-identifier: "all"