
Data for bash challenges, including script to put data to DynamoDB and S3

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bash Challenges API

Making infrastructure changes

To make any changes to the infrastructure, update the serverless.yml file and run $ npm run deploy.

At the moment, any changes to the DynamoDB Tables also need to be made in the /localLib/createTable.js file.


To run the API locally:

$ npm run dev

To run a local DynamoDB instance on port 8800:

$ java -Djava.library.path=~/dynamodb/SynamoDBLocal_lib -jar ~/dynamodb/DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb -port 8800

To create the necessary local tables:

$ node ./localLib/createTable.js

To seed a local DynamoDB instance:

$ NODE_ENV=development node ./localLib/seed.js


To add a new JSON file to the production database (including uploading associated files to S3), run:

$ NODE_ENV=production node putChallenge.js <challenge-number>

Where <challenge-number> is the numeric name of the JSON file, e.g.:

$ NODE_ENV=production node putChallenge.js 6

To update a challenge, simply run the same command:

$ NODE_ENV=production node putChallenge.js 6