📖 Books Management API - TASK

Key Highlights :

User Authentication:

  • Implemented user authentication securely using jwt tokens and bcyrpt package.
  • Only Admin user can give and revoke admin role to user

🌐 CRUD Operations

  • Users must be authenticated and only authorized individuals (admins) can modify, create or delete books entries.

    • Create: Add new book entries with details such as title, author, publication year, and genre.

    • Read: Retrieve books information.

    • Update: Modify existing book entries to update information such as title, genre, or author.

    • Delete: Remove book entries from the database, either individually or in bulk.

🚦 Filtering Books

  • filter books based on author, or year.

  • Sort the books in any order like (by author name, publication year,books title, books genere, etc).

Technologies Used
Sequelize ORM

🥇 Project Setup

  1. ⬇️ Download: Download the project from GitHub and open it in your favorite text editor.

  2. 📥 Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project folder and execute the following command to install all necessary dependencies:

    npm install

    ⚠️ Note: If you are using database other than mssql, remove tedious package from package.json file and download package for your choosed database (like mysql2 package for mysql).

  3. 🔌Environment Configuration: In the root directory, create a .env file and add the following environment variables:


    Here's an example configuration:

  4. 🚀 Initialize Sequelize: Navigate to the src folder (very important) and execute the following command to initialize Sequelize:

    npx sequelize init

    This will create a config.json file inside the config folder.

  5. 🔌 Configure Database: Open config.json and update the database configuration:

    • Add your database username, password, and dialect (e.g., mysql, mariadb, mssql, etc.).
  6. 💾 Database Setup: Populate the database by running the following commands:

    ⚠️ Note: In SQL server we cannot use enums, so to implement enums I used check constrain, this will not work with mysql or any other database. If you are not using mssql, delete file 20240427154341-add-check-constraint.js from src/migrations/ folder.

    npx sequelize db:create
    npx sequelize db:migrate
    npx sequelize db:seed:all
  7. Start the Server: Begin running the server using this command:

    npm run dev

Project Details

🌐 API Calls

BASE ADDRESS : `http:localhost:3000/`

⚠️ Note: API Endpoints postman files User AUTH.postman_collection.json and Books CRUD.postman_collection.json can be found in project main directory.

The API endpoints use different HTTP methods(GET, POST, PATCH,PUT, DELETE) and follow RESTful design principles.

  • Books CRUD: Endpoints for books crud operations.

    HTTP Method Endpoint Description Data inside body Data inside headers
    GET /api/v1/books/ping Check if the books API is live
    GET /api/v1/books/? Get all books with and without filters ex: /api/v1/books/ ?author=Isaac Asimov& year=2020& sort=author_asc,title_desc,genere_desc,year_asc
    GET /api/v1/books/:id Get a specific book by ID
    POST /api/v1/books Add a new book {title: 'Book', publicationYear: '2018', genre: ''} x-access-token (JWT token after login)
    PATCH /api/v1/books/:id Update a specific book by ID {title: 'Book', publicationYear: '2018', genre: ''} x-access-token (JWT token after login)
    DELETE /api/v1/books/:id Delete a specific book by ID x-access-token (JWT token after login) after login

  • User Authentication: Endpoints for user registration, login, and authentication management.

    ⚠️ Note: Manually add at least one admin role in userRoles table to perform all the api operations.

    HTTP Method Endpoint Description Data inside body Data inside headers
    GET /api/v1/user/ping API is live or not
    POST /api/v1/user/register Users can register {name:'Manoj',email:'abc@xyz.com',password:'password'}
    POST /api/v1/user/login Users can login {email:'abc@xyz.com',password:'password'}
    POST /api/v1/user/role Give roles to users {role:'admin',userId:10} x-access-token i.e. jwt token recieved after login
    DELETE /api/v1/user/role Revoke user's role {role:'admin',userId:10} x-access-token i.e. jwt token recieved after login

💾 Database Structure

The project uses a relational database to store data for various entities:


  • Books 🔗: Contains information about the books like title, author, publicationYear, etc.

      |          Books          |
      |  id  -> (PK, Identity)  |
      |  title                  |
      |  author                 |
      |  publicationYear        |
      |  genere                 |
      |  createdAt              |
      |  updatedAt              |
  • Users 👤: Stores user information such as name, email, hashed password, etc.

        |          USERS          |
        |  id  -> (PK, Identity)  |
        |  name                   |
        |  email                  |
        |  password (hashed)      |
        |  createdAt              |
        |  updatedAt              |

  • Roles 🎭: Contains information about the different roles a user can have (e.g., customer, admin).

      |          Roles          |
      |  id  -> (PK, Identity)  |
      |  name -> (Check Const)  |
      |  createdAt              |
      |  updatedAt              |
      name column values : ['admin', 'customer', 'flight_company']

  • User Roles 🔗: A join table that establishes a many-to-many relationship between Users and Roles, allowing users to have multiple roles.

      |        userRoles        |
      |  id  -> (PK, Identity)  |
      |  user_id -> (FK)        |
      |  role_id -> (FK)        |
      |  createdAt              |
      |  updatedAt              |
      user_id : References Users on column id
      role_id : References Roles on column id

    Foreign keys establish relationships between Users & userRoles and Roles & userRoles helping in creating M:N association.

⚠️ Error Handling

Error handling is a crucial aspect of the project, ensuring smooth operation and useful feedback for clients:

  • Custom Error Classes: The project uses custom error classes like BaseError, BadRequestError, InternalServerError, and AppError to manage different types of errors and return appropriate HTTP status codes.

  • Middleware: The errorHandler middleware function intercepts and handles exceptions by identifying the type of error and responding accordingly. It is executed just before express default error handler runs

  • Structured Responses: Errors are structured as JSON objects with properties such as status code, message, and error explanation. This consistent response format simplifies troubleshooting for clients.

  • Default Handling: If an unknown error occurs, the middleware throws a custom InternalServerError and log the error in Logger.

  • Logging: All errors are logged for monitoring and troubleshooting purposes, enabling quick identification and resolution of problems.

The combination of these features ensures reliable and user-friendly error handling throughout the application.

📦 Packages and Their Usage

  • bcrypt 🔒: Used for securely hashing passwords and comparing hashed passwords. It helps protect user credentials by ensuring sensitive data is stored securely.

  • body-parser 📝: A middleware for Express that parses incoming request bodies in various formats such as JSON and URL-encoded data, making the data easily accessible for further processing.

  • dotenv 🔧: Loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env, allowing you to securely store sensitive information such as API keys and database credentials.

  • express 🚀: A web application framework for Node.js that provides a minimalist structure for building APIs and web applications. It offers routing, middleware, and other essential features for building scalable server-side applications.

  • express-rate-limit 🚦: A middleware for Express that limits repeated requests from the same IP address. It helps protect your application against abusive requests, such as DDoS attacks, by imposing request rate limits.

  • http-status-codes 📜: A package providing easy access to standard HTTP status codes, which makes it convenient to set response statuses and handle different types of API responses.

  • jsonwebtoken 🔑: A library for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), which are used for authentication and authorization in your application. JWTs enable secure and stateless user sessions.

  • pluralize 🔀: A utility library for transforming singular words into plural and vice versa. This is used mainly to converting models name in plural form, which is a use case in identity reset function.

  • sequelize 💽: An object-relational mapping (ORM) library for Node.js, allowing you to interact with your database using models and associations. It simplifies database operations and offers a high-level abstraction.

  • sequelize-cli 🛠️: A command-line interface for Sequelize that provides commands for managing migrations, models, and other database-related tasks. It facilitates database schema changes and updates.

  • tedious 💾: A Node.js driver for interacting with Microsoft SQL Server databases. It allows you to execute queries, manage transactions, and handle database connections.

  • winston 🛡️: A logging library for Node.js that supports various log levels and transports (such as file or console logging). It helps you track and manage application logs effectively for debugging and monitoring purposes.