Note: The returned array must be malloced, assume caller calls free(). / int sortArrayByParity(int* A, int ASize, int* returnSize){
[3,1,2,4] -> [4,2,3,1] ### 3 . Scenarios ### Conditions
int foo
odd_array = []
even_array = []
for each_value in my_array:
if each_value is greaterthan_5000:
raise Error/Exception
if each_value % 2 == 0:
# this is even add to the start of the array
even_array.append(each_value) # [2, 4]
# number is odd add to the end of the array
odd_array.append(each_value) # [3, 1]
# add even array and odd array to a single array and return the output
output_array = odd_array + even_array
return output_array