k8s Demo Application

This repo shows a simple application running in minikube. It uses typical entities like deployment, services, ingress, persistent volumes, etc like in production.


  1. minikube
  2. helm
  3. kubectl

Run locally

Given you have minikube installed and you are on linux machine, simply run ./minikube.start.sh. Each time, the docker image is built inside the minikube cluster, in order avoid it, build outside minikube, docker build -t manojmanivannan18/flaskedge:master python-app/ The start script will load the image during the script

Access from Browser

Open the URL generated from echo $(minikube service --url python-app-service) or localhost:32080

Optional Domain

Append DNS entry to /etc/hosts using echo "$(minikube ip) python-app.demo.com" >> /etc/hosts

So you can access the application from browser using python-app.demo.com


once the minikube start script is finished, verify you see output

Command: curl --resolve "$( minikube ip )" -i

Or if you used the optional domain:

Command: curl --resolve "python-app.demo.com:80:$( minikube ip )" -i http://python-app.demo.com


HTTP/1.1 302 FOUND
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 13:24:40 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 199
Connection: keep-alive
Location: /rooms

<!doctype html>
<html lang=en>
<p>You should be redirected automatically to the target URL: <a href="/rooms">/rooms</a>. If not, click the link.

Since the minikube exposed to localhost on the host machine, you can even access the application from remote servers using the host machine's IP:32080

Run by helm install

  1. minikube start
  2. helm repo add k8sessentials https://raw.githubusercontent.com/manojmanivannan/k8sEssentials/gh-pages
  3. helm upgrade --install python-app k8sessentials/python-app
  4. helm upgrade --install dbjob k8sessentials/dbjob
  5. helm upgrade --install postgres k8sessentials/postgres


psql -U admin -d house

Application ToDo

  • Push the image to dockerhub
  • Enable docker tags for all branches
  • Create separate charts for the application and database
  • Push helm chats to github container registry
  • Push helm charts with auto tags instead of variable from Chart.yaml
  • Enable helm charts for all branches