
It contains example of .proto configuration of Protocol Buffer version 3

Primary LanguageShell

Protocol Buffer


In Protocol Buffers, field names are not important, whereas the field names are important in all programming language. In the Protocol Buffers the Tag tag name.

  • Smallest tag : 1
  • Largest tag : 2^29 - 1 or 536,870,911

The tags 19000 to 19999 are reserved by the Google. Hence you cannot use this tags in proto file.

The tag numbered from 1 to 15 use 1 byte in space, so use them for more frequently populated fields to minimise the space. And the tag numbered from 16 to 2047 use 2 bytes.

Default value

Each field if value is not set it has asscoiated default value.

Field Type Default Value
bool false
number 0
string empty string
list empty list
enum first value
repeated empty list

There is no concept of required field or optional field in protocol buffer