
This repo deals with the problem of detecting near-duplicates among Russian-language bibliographic references. For the purpose of obtaining references, an additional task is solved --- the allocation of bibliographic references from scientific documents. To build the base of unique links, a search engine indexing is implemented.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repo deals with the problem of detecting near-duplicates among Russian-language bibliographic references. For the purpose of obtaining references, an additional task is solved — the allocation of bibliographic references from scientific documents. To build the base of unique links, a search engine indexing is implemented.

Structure of project

The notebooks directory has jupyter-notebook analogues of py-files in py directory.

The experiment provides two steps.

First step is learning on the data labeled by assessors. Texts of scientific papers were divided to different directories by means of which popular scientific work they cite. So papers in one folder should definitely have the reference on that popular work. Assessors took away everything but bibliography, deleted hyphenation and marked reference that should be in common between all papers in folder. A ML algorithm learns which pairs are marked as duplicates.

Second step - extracting references from raw text file automatically and labeling them (1/0 - duplicates or not). Performance of automatic labeling is counted by sampling and measuring the share of right labels.

create_train_test_labeled - collecting the data from text files with references, extracting features

create_train_test_unlabeled - collecting the data from text files with full raw text, extracting references and features

random_forest_labeled_data - learning RF, measuring the performance

experiments - building the index structure to store unique references, experimenting with size of n-gram

preprocess_observation - boxed preprocessing steps for pair of references to compare for using in index experiments.