Formal Specification Languages
Master of Computer Science
University of Bordeaux
Instructor: Professor Hugo GIMBERT
Nguyen Vu Anh Trung
Nguyen Quoc Khanh
Mr Nguyen Chi Cong
November 10, 2021
1/Computing the sum of values of an array of int.
==> final-program/sum2.c
2/Computing the average value of an array of int.
==> final-program/array_average.c
3/Computing the median value of an array of int.
==> final-program/array_median.c
4/Counting exactly the number of words in a text
5/Counting the number of occurences of a word in a text
6/Compare 2 differents strings "hello" vs "bonjour"
frama-c -wp -wp-rte final-program/"program.c"
1.Combined static and dynamic analyses in Frama-C: An Overview (Nikolai Kosmatov, CEA, France)