AirBnB clone - The console


Description of the project

The goal of the project is to deploy a replica of Airbnb website using my server It will not implement all the features, just some of them to cover all the fundamental concepts. In this case a command interpreter is created in this segment to manage objects for the AirBnB(HBnB) website.


  • Create a new object as User or Place
  • Retrieve an object from a file.
  • Update attributes of an object
  • Destroy an object


  • Clone this repository
  • Access AirBnb directory: cd AirBnB_clone
  • Run hbnb(interactively): ./console and enter command
  • Run hbnb(non-interactively): echo "<command>" | ./

Files and directories - Contains the entry point of the command interpreter.

  • EOF - Exits console
  • quit - Exits console
  • <emptyline> - Does nothing
  • create - Creates a new instance of object and saves it into .JSON file
  • destroy - Deletes an object from specific .JSON file
  • show - Prints the string representation of an specific object.
  • all - Prints all string representation of all available objects .
  • update - Updates an objects based on the class name and id.

models/ main repository that contains the BaseModel class and inherits to other classes. - The BaseModel class

  • def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) - Initialization of class
  • def __str__(self) - String representation of the BaseModel class
  • def save(self) - Updates the attribute updated_at with the current datetime
  • def to_dict(self) - returns a dictionary containing all keys/values of the instance

/models/engine serialization and deserialization : - serializes and deserializes objects

  • def all(self) - returns the dictionary __objects
  • def new(self, obj) - sets in __objects the obj with key
  • def save(self) - serializes __objects to the JSON file
  • def reload(self) - deserializes the JSON file to __objects

Examples of use

  • Non-interactive mode

  • Interactive mode


  • Sandra Lorena Hoyos Rodriguez - Twitter
  • Manuel Alejandro Gomez - Twitter