Holberton Smiling School (Bootstrap Project)

These group of web pages were coded from scratch with the help of the Boostrap Framework and based on some design models given on Figma.

The dynamic generated content was created with the help of jQUERY and JavaScript.

Figma Homepage

Figma Pricing

Figma Courses

The designs were planned for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile.

jQuery Bootstrap


Desktop (Width: 1440 px) Tablet (Width: 768 px) Mobile (Width: 576 px)
Desktop Tablet Mobile


Desktop (Width: 1440 px) Tablet (Width: 768 px) Mobile (Width: 576 px)
Desktop Tablet Mobile


Desktop (Width: 1440 px) Tablet (Width: 768 px) Mobile (Width: 576 px)
Desktop Tablet Mobile


The Holberton Smiling School web pages were developed by sections using the Bootstrap Front-End framework and CSS styles.

CSS File



Homepage Header/Hero Section

Carousel of quotes

Popular Videos

Row of smiles

Latest Videos



Pricing Header

Prices Grid

Quotes Section




Courses Header

Search Filters

List of Results


Challenges and Future Features

This was an interesting project that measure knowledge in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and JQuery.

It was challenging because it was born from a Figma design withot specific rules of development.

In the future it would be interesting to change JQuery for React or another more robust JS Framework.


Jhoan Zamora: jzamora5

About Myself

🎯 I am a Fullstack developer in love with technology and keen to learn new things everyday. My strenghts reside in Python and JavaScript although I am not afraid to take on any other language.

🎯 I have experience developing both back end and front end. I have used technologies such as Bootstrap, SASS, React, Flask, Django, Express, SQL, MongoDB, AWS, among others.

🎯 I also studied Sound Engineering some years ago, and I love music, videogames, and audiovisual media.

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