Telegram bot based on #Uniborg with extra goodies reborn!! :D

Primary LanguagePython


based on telethon 1.16.0 Customized #UniBorg based on telethon.

How to use


goto my.telegram.org/apps use VPN in india to access the site

step2: login and setup the app ..

you will get APP ID and APP HASH copy these two value at safe place (you will need later)

Figure for reference


Important Setup steps( very much imp)

step 2.1: clone this repo and pip install telethon first...

git clone https://github.com/authoritydmc/BEASTBOT-REBORN.git

using python's pip install telethon..

pip install telethon

step2.2 run

python session_strings.py

step 2.2.1 Enter the API HASH and APP ID as asked by the program.
step2.3 enter your mobile number with country code for eg +919876543210
step 2.4 enter the code you received
step 2.5 you will get a string as a response starting with something like 1Bqvt......

copy this String somwhere safe .this is your SESSION value

step3: Create an account on Heroku.com

step4: click on deploy button


step5 : Fill in all the Three required Value you copied and app name(anything) ..and finally click on deploy.

heroku setting page heroku setting page

Finished .. your bot must be up and running by now..

NOT FOR DEPLOYERS... below information only for Developers and Collaborators


Simply clone the repository and run the main file:

git clone https://github.com/uniborg/uniborg.git
cd uniborg
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# <Create config.py with variables as given below>
python3 -m stdborg

An example config.py file could be:

Not All of the variables are mandatory

The UniBorg should work by setting only the first two variables

from sample_config import Config

class Development(Config):
  APP_ID = 6
  API_HASH = "eb06d4abfb49dc3eeb1aeb98ae0f581e"
  # chat ids or usernames, it is recommended to use chat ids,
  # providing usernames means an additional overhead for the user
  # specify LOAD and NO_LOAD
  LOAD = []
  NO_LOAD = []