
Primary LanguageTypeScript


FX Calculator is an interactive web application that allows users to enter an amount in one currency and convert it into a different currency. It also display the exchange rate for a chosen currency pair for the last 30 days in a graph. The data is provided by https://www.alphavantage.co/.

Alt Text

Quick Start

Clone the project https://github.com/manonja/FX-Calculator

  • cd FX-Calculator/fx-calculator
  • yarn
  • yarn start

The app will run on http://localhost:3000


  • It should be built using TypeScript and React.
  • It should minimize the number of API requests to make the app as efficient as possible.
  • It should have a good looking, easy to understand interface.
  • It should be built with flexibility in mind, for example being able to switch data provider easily.

Main Design Decisions

  • Components architecture: I chose to use the atomic design to organize React components around a methodic and consistent system. providing a systematic approach aligned with code reusability. (The atomic design consists of atoms, molecules, organism and templates/pages.)

  • State management: I chose to use React Hooks with useReducer. This approach allowed me to manage the state from a single source of truth without the complexity of Redux. Here we just set an initialState in the store with a reducer function that will update the state depending on the action we dispatch.


  • Use async/await and implement a error handling for API requests.
  • Adds validation for the input to accept only numbers.
  • Use the Ramda library and the R.once() function to limit the number of API call to one no matter how many times the returned function is invoked (see https://ramdajs.com/docs/#once).
  • Implement ISO Currency Code ISO 4217:2015 (see https://www.iso.org/standard/64758.html).
  • Use enum with constant values for currencies: enum Currencies { USD = “USD”, EUR = “EUR”, GBP = “GBP” // add all other iso currencies }
  • Improve the styling with a CSS-in-JS solution.
  • Write tests (End-to-End test and unit tests).

Time spent

I spent a total of about 8 hours.

What I love about this app

I really enjoyed building something new using TypeScript and building a graph! It was a bit different from ES6 but I could find some similarities and logic from Scala, which I have some experience with. I hope my next job will give me the opportunity to work in TypeScript.

What I like about the implementation is the architecture of the app:

  • components using the atomic design,
  • api for API call which I designed in a reusable way,
  • utils for helper function,
  • store for state management. I think it is easy to grow an app from this architecture which I appreciate.

Overall, I enjoyed the opportunity to build something new. I've never used react chart.js 2 before this project, and it makes me want to experiment more with that.


Manon Jacquin (https://github.com/manonja)