
Farms to peep connects is a platform where farmers can put their products online, and people can buy them! A Mod 5 Solo Project @flatiron-school (Server side)

Primary LanguageRuby


The App

Platform connecting farmers with people, where farmers can add their products online and people can add them to their basket. You can signin/signup as a farmer or as a customer. Built with RESTful API architecture and CRUD functionalities.

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Build a fullstack app that uses Ruby for the backend with PostgreSQL and React for the frontend.



Technical details

  • Front-end built with React and React Router.
  • Styling with pure CSS and MDBootstrap.
  • PostgreSQL database.
  • Authentication with JWT.
  • Developed a Ruby on Rails API backend with 5 different endpoints: for users, farmers, customers, products and categories.
  • Used serializer to format the JSON file.


Fork and clone the project https://github.com/manonja/farms-to-people-frontend Fork and clone the project https://github.com/manonja/farms-to-peeps-server

In your terminal, go to farms-to-people-server

  • run rails db:create
  • rails db:migrate
  • rails db:seed
  • rails s

The server will start on http://localhost:3001

Then go to farms-to-people-frontend

  • run npm install
  • npm start

The app will run on http://localhost:3000

How to use?

If you are a new user, signup (as a farmer or as a customer), otherwise, login into your account.

If you are a farmer, you can see the current product you have on sale. You can add as many products as you want, and delete them.

If you are a customer, you can see all the products farmers have on sale, select different categories, and add products to you basket. You can see your basket and delete products as well. Clicking on checkout won't do anything for now.


Manon Jacquin (https://github.com/manonja)