
The Problem

Write a program which takes in commands and moves one or more robots around Mars. Program writen in Scala.


  • The world should be modelled as a grid with size m x n
  • Your program should read the input, update the robots, and print out the final states of the robots
  • Each robot has a position (x, y), and an orientation (N, E, S, W)
  • Each robot can move forward one space (F), rotate left by 90 degrees (L), or rotate right by 90 degrees (R)
  • If a robot moves off the grid, it is marked as ‘lost’ and its last valid grid position and orientation is recorded
  • Going from x -> x + 1 is in the easterly direction, and y -> y + 1 is in the northerly direction. i.e. (0, 0) represents the south-west corner of the grid


The input takes the form: 4 8 (0, 2, N) FFLFRFF (2, 3, E) LFRFF

The first line of the input ‘4 8’ specifies the size of the grid. The subsequent lines each represent the initial state and commands for a single robot. (0, 2, N) specifies the initial state of the form (x, y, orientation). FFLFRFF represents the sequence of movement commands for the robot.

The output should take the form: (1, 2, N) (3, 4, W) LOST

Where each line represents the final position and orientation of the robots of the form (x, y, orientation) and optionally whether the robot was lost. NB. This output is an example and does not correspond to the example input shown above.

As an example, for the input: 4 8 (2, 3, N) FLLFR (1, 0, S) FFRLF

The output would be: (2, 3, W) (1, 0, S) LOST

Quick Start

  • Clone the project in a new directory
  • sbt run

For mac users, make sure to have sbt installed: brew install sbt

Possible Improvements

  • Takes input from the console
  • Combine HandleMoveX() and HandleMoveY() into one function