
My memes app is the ultimate memes generator! Built with React/React Router and Ruby.

Primary LanguageRuby


Browse images, pick up one, create a meme, download it and save it to your profile.

Project background

  1. Use a Rails API backend
  2. Use a React frontend
  3. Models in the backend: for the users and for the customized memes.
  4. Has a Authentication/authorization part.

Technical details

  • frontend built with HTML and React.
  • styling with pure CSS and MDBootstrap.
  • use of svg format to create a new meme, and svg-as-png library to save the meme as a png file.
  • backend built with Ruby on Rails with two endpoints (one for the users, one for the customized memes).
  • use of Imgflip API to get images templates.
  • user JWT for the Authentication part.

Getting started

Fork and clone the project https://github.com/manonja/my-memes-app

  1. In your terminal, go to the client repository cd client
  • run npm install
  • npm install --save mdbreact for the material design bootstrap library
  • npm install --save reactstrap react react-dom for reactstrap component
  • npm install --save-svg-as-png to save the meme as a png file
  • npm start
  1. Go to the server repository cd server
  • run bundle install
  • rails db:migrate
  • rails s -p 3001


If you have an account, just login. If you don't, sigup! Create memes and save them to your account.


Thomas Edwards (https://github.com/tomo10) & Manon Jacquin (https://github.com/manonja)