
The place where I Blog!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Personal Blog-App Website ⚡️.

Running Locally.

  • Install Backend Packages and start the Server at Port 5000.
npm install
nodemon (or) node server.js
  • Create a Directory Named DBase/ in this folder and a file url.js in it. It should export Mlab-URI and secret.

  • Install Frontend (React) Packages and start the server at Port 3000

cd ./client/
npm install
npm start

Browser automatically opens window in port 3000.

Running in Docker Container.

docker build -f Dockerfile.dev -t <dockerusername>/<appname> .

docker run -d -p <hostport>:<applicationport> <dockerusername>/<appname>