
The main purpose of this project is to manage consistency, maintenance and concurrency control in collaborative editing of text documents of different formats using the concept of “Operational Transformation”.
It allows two individuals to edit same file simultaneously, who are connected through Internet. It supports do, undo, edit and document sharing.

Collaborative writing is writing done by more than one person; they may discuss what they are going to write before they start, and discuss what they have written after they finish each draft they write. The writing might be organized by dividing the writing into sub-tasks assigned to each group member, with the first part of the tasks done before the next parts, or they might work together on each task. The writing is planned, written, and revised, and more than one person is involved in at least one of those steps. Usually, discussions about the document's structure and context involve the entire group. The product is designed to be a multi user product. It allows multiple users with editing privileges to edit the shared document simultaneously once user/users are authenticated for required access

• Two persons are able to edit a shared document at the same time.
• Consistency maintenance and concurrency control.
• Easy to use, interface with menus.
• Easy to code in a collaborative environment.
• Allows authorized users to mail the document at any point of time.

Minimum Software Requirements at client side
Browser : which supports web sockets ex. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome

Minimum Software Requirements at server side
Coding Language : Java 1.7.0 or higher, Glassfish server 4.0
Database : MS-SQL 2012

Languages and Technologies Used

  1. Servlets and JSP
  2. HTML and CSS
  3. Dojo
  4. CodeMirror
  5. WebSockets

How to run this project

  1. Clone CodeMirror and Dojo from github and add those projects into the WebContent folder.
  2. Create a Database named as CollabEditDb in MS SQL 2012.