
Exercise app for my Ruby on Rails trainings.

Primary LanguageRuby

Movie Database

This is a custom Rails 5 exercise application used in my Ruby on Rails trainings. It implements a simple movie database with three resources:

  • Movies (eg. "Star Wars")
  • Actors (eg. "Harrison Ford")
  • Roles, linking movies and actors together (eg. "Han Solo")

It is intended to be a base application to expand and experiment on, making use of Ruby on Rails' most important features and including some simple specs as a starting point.

Getting started

  1. Install an up-to-date version of Ruby (2.5.x recommended.)
  2. Install Bundler: gem install bundler
  3. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/manserei/moviedb.git
  4. macOS only: install Homebrew dependencies via brew bundle.
  5. Execute the bin/setup script.

Bonus step: if you want the automatic poster fetching to work, you'll need to get a free API key for omdbapi.com and provide it to the application by way of the OMDB_API_KEY environment variable.

If you plan on sharing the changes you're going to make to this application, please consider forking this repository into your own GitHub account.

Recommended reading

Interested in training?

I offer Ruby on Rails training and consulting in Germany and across Europe. If you're interested in learning Rails or getting your development team up to speed, please don't hesitate to email me at hendrik@mans.de.

  • Hendrik Mans