Baseline algorithms of imitation learning and reinforcment learning , written in Pytorch. Code is tested on Mujoco.
Note: Code is under development. Issues, bug reports and PRs are welcome.
pip install -r requirements
# train RL agent
python --config sac.yml --generate-data
# train non-active imitator
python --config bc.yml
# train active imitator
python --config dagger.yml
Watch Result
tensorboard --log_dir out/[your exp name]
Reinforcement Learning
Imitation Learning
During my implementation of IL and RL algorithms, a lot of classic open-source materials on the Internet served as good references. And I highly appreciate their author's effort. Below is a detailed list. By the way, thanks to my friends from LAMDA-RL for their helpful discussions.
RL Library
Open Source Code Repo
- TD3
- gail-airl-ppo.pytorch
- pytorch-a2c-ppo-acktr-gail
- pytorch-trpo
- imitation
- imitation-learning
- ILSwiss
- unstable_baselines
- Code-for-Error-Bounds-of-Imitating-Policies-and-Environments