
[Laravel 5.5] Atlassian Connect Framework to build add-on for the JIRA and Confluence

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Atlassian Connect Core

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Atlassian Connect Framework to build add-ons for the JIRA and Confluence


  • Laravel 5.5
  • PHP ~7.0

Getting Started


Install dependency via Composer

$ composer require brezzhnev/atlassian-connect-core

Register route middleware jwt by adding to the app\Http\Kernel.php following line

'jwt' => \AtlassianConnectCore\Http\Middleware\JWTAuth::class

Set authentication driver to jwt in config/auth.php

'guards' => [
    'web' => [
        'driver' => 'jwt',
        'provider' => 'users',

Set model class in config/auth.php providers section

'providers' => [
    'users' => [
        'driver' => 'eloquent',
        'model' => \AtlassianConnectCore\Models\Tenant::class,

Register plugin events by adding to the app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php to the listen property value following

\AtlassianConnectCore\Events\Installed::class => [
\AtlassianConnectCore\Events\Uninstalled::class => [

You can use any add-on events to register your own listeners

Register subscriber in the same file:

 * The subscriber classes to register.
 * @var array
protected $subscribe = [

Configure database and run

php artisan migrate
php artisan plugin:install

Command php artisan plugin:install will publish config, views and resources that you can change whatever you want.

Also, it will create "dummy" tenant needed for local testing and development without the need of installing the add-on in real JIRA or Confluence instance.

Get it working

If your application returns the add-on descriptor on the request to URL http://localhost:8000/atlassian-connect.json it means you are close to getting it working and you can install the add-on.

Firstly, you need to enable development options. Go to the "Manage add-ons" page. You'll see the link "Settings" at bottom of page. After clicking you'll see two checkboxes that must be selected. Apply your changes.

For installing the add-on in the instance it should see your server. If you working locally the easiest way is use ngrok.

After you are visible for the JIRA or Atlassian instance you should put your actual website URL to environment variable PLUGIN_URL. Also, you need to configure your add-on by editing the file config/plugin.php. Most values may be overwritten using env vars.

Then you need to upload the add-on. Click "Upload add-on" and paste your public URL with descriptor path, eg. https://d1ea31ce.ngrok.io/atlassian-connect.json or https://yourplugindomain.com/atlassian-connect.json

Note: HTTPS is required

After successfully installing you can see "Your add-on" top menu item (in case of JIRA). You also can go to the add-on general page by direct link :product_base_url/plugins/servlet/ac/sample-plugin/hello-page

Instead :product_base_url you should put your JIRA or Cofluence instance URL (eg. https://google-dev.atlassian.net).

If you see page working, the application configured and add-on installed correctly.

Publish resources

Instead of using plugin:install you can perform actions manually.

To copy all publishes you should use following commands:

artisan vendor:publish --provider="AtlassianConnectCore\ServiceProvider"

To copy only specific publish you must call this command with option --tag. Value can be public (to copy assets), views and config.


Add-On Configuration

After copying publishes you can see the file config/plugin.php in your application. Please, use this configuration file to change add-on properties.

Default routes

The following routes registered by default

  • GET /atlassian-connect.json descriptor contents
  • POST /installed add-on installed callback
  • POST /uninstaled add-on uninstalled callback
  • POST /enabled add-on enabled callback
  • POST /disabled add-on disabled callback
  • GET /hello sample page to persuade all working correctly

You can disable it by setting to false config value plugin.loadRoutes.


You can use Descriptor facade to customize or create from scratch your own descriptor contents.

For example, you can customize it by adding to the app\Providers\AppServiceProvider in boot section the following:

Descriptor::base() // base descriptor contents
    ->setScopes(['admin' , 'act_as_user'])
        'webhooks' => [[
            'event' => 'jira:issue_created',
            'url' => route('webhookHandlerRouteName')
    ->set('version', $this->getLatestPluginVersion());

Console commands

  • plugin:install is a helper command that creates "dummy" tenant with fake data and publishes package resources (config, views, assets)
  • plugin:dummy provides interactive way to set tenant as "dummy" without manually editing database


Run the following in the package folder:



  • Add OAuth authentication method
  • Implement descriptor builder and validator
  • Implement webhooks gateway


If you discover any security related issues, please email brezzhnev@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.